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Jul 09, 2010 00:04

more of my daily chaos

  • 02:39 @ jayceeluv where are they coming from? brought in or local? #
  • 02:46 @ TheBeerWench unfortunately I am abstaining until I head back to Nebraska on Monday....have to do lo-carb thingy for a lil while :( #
  • 02:52 @ TheBeerWench slowly but surely...have to try & be down a few b/c of work & low-carb is the quickest way...just can't really drink 1st week #
  • 02:55 Q: Lemon Party? A: what the heck is that? #

  • 02:55 Q: so theres this boy you seem to fantazise (: not to be rude or anything but did you guys have sex? he #
  • 03:15 Stay away from making any major financial decisions, now that ... More for Capricorn #
  • 03:33 @ jayceeluv that bad for you too tonight? #
  • 14:59 @ JustLamar so how has it been since I left? #
  • 15:06 @ JustLamar you've been a very bad boy- go to my
    room #
  • 15:14 @ JustLamar nah, I won't hurt you at all...glad to hear Jen's back at work...missed seeing her #
  • 15:18 @ JustLamar but I won't bite this time ;P #
  • 15:22 @ JustLamar LOL no you don't..the collar only comes out for my slave...I'd pull out the ropes cuffs for me, but I think I left 'em w/Dave #

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