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Jul 08, 2010 00:03

more of my daily chaos

  • 03:15 You aren't in much of a hurry today and no one really seems to... More for Capricorn #
  • 03:46 @ keithruggs this time? only through Sunday...I fly out sometime Monday #
  • 03:46 @ EvelynRose hey, it's okay...maybe pop over to the house to hang out for a bit one day you're free? #
  • 03:48 grr crappy night...if I hear ONE MORE person tell me they just came in to "chill out", I swear I'm gonna scream! #
  • 04:02 Q about Music: Joe Satriani or Steve Vai?
    A: who the hell are they? #
  • 04:03 Q about Movies: Bubbles.butter cup.or blossom? A: HUH?? #
  • 04:03 Q about Music: what is your favourite song at this moment in time? A: "It's Not You" by Halestorm #
  • 04:03 Q about Movies: What is the favorite edward norton's movie? A: not a big Ed Norton fan...sorry #
  • 04:03 Q about Mus
    ic: Do u like lil Wayne A: Not in the least #
  • 04:03 Q about Movies: Mcdonalds or Burger king A: Burger King, hands down #
  • 04:04 Q about Movies: Spongebob or chipmunks? A: Chipmunks, obviously- I even have their Christmas albums on #
  • 04:04 Q about Movies: Hannah monatana or wizards of waverly place?? A: Neither- the only thing I want to watc #<
  • 04:04 Q about Music: Do like like drake's music (the rapper) A: NOT INTO RAP AT ALL #
  • 04:04 Q about Music: Is music a important part if ur life. A: oh yes, most definitely #
  • 04:10 okay ppl- please stop asking the same questions- I like rock music, my fave movie is Dogma and no, I DO NOT like hip hop or rap-that is all #
  • 04:10 now that we have that out of the way, I think it's time for me to shower, get ready for bed and curl up with a good book for a lil bit :) #
  • 14:35 @ EvelynRose and that's the day I fly out again lol #
  • 14:50 started out w/10 lbs for one set, got up 2 15 for the next , then had 2 go back 2 10 4 the last two & woke up today w/aching arm and abs OW! #
  • 15:17 Have you ever noticed your mood tends 2 dictate the colors you opt 4 when you're doing your nails? Justa though as I go from Cherry 2 Merlot #

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