Apr 04, 2011 23:18
I went through all my cds in my car yesterday and found some old stuff. Let me just tell you, my deep, passionate love for Adam Lambert hasn't waned in the slightest. ;) He's just so....sparkly. His lyrics (that I'm sure someone else wrote), they speak to me, man.
I am so very tired. This last week has been...challenging. We lost Max last Monday, I worked 6 days, we had company over for the weekend, I did an 8 page take home exam in one day that I should have been working on for 2 weeks....
Speaking of which, I pretty much can't do homework anymore. At all. I stress about it for weeks, I think about it constantly, but I cannot make myself do it. My brain just screams and cries and runs off to it's happy place whenever I try to do homework any time but for the morning of the day it's due. And even on that morning it's still screaming and crying, but it's also panicking. When I try do my readings I just space out and day dream. And that isn't like me! At all! I was a good student my entire life! It's not like I liked homework during undergrad, but I wasn't anything at all like this....
Ruth, Adam, you guys have your Masters's. Did you experience anything at all like the on-going existential crisis I've been experiencing since forever? Probably not, because you guys actually know what you want to do with your lives...
Sorry I'm such a downer. I didn't actually intend for that to happen. Oh well. I am going to drink a beer and celebrate being done with my stupid homework by watching like 6 episodes of Supernatural. I like the sound of this plan.... :P