
Nov 02, 2024 08:07

I've been creating three playlists a week for water fitness for a while now. First there's a shorter one because Mill Creek's classes are only 45 minutes long, and I deal with this by dropping my kickboard routine one week and the dumbbells the next. It's still a challenge because dropping three songs doesn't mean dropping 15 minutes, and I have to find longer songs to use or even pop in an extra song.

Mukilteo's been getting two playlists since I'm there twice a week, then Everett gets whichever one I prefer when I finish up the week there. I have Thursday off next week and felt very liberated by only making two playlists, and decided that from now on, I'll just make a short playlist and a long one each week, and I'll play the previous week's longer one in Mukilteo on Tuesday. They'll get each playlist twice, but never twice in the same week.

Hopefully someday we can get Mill Creek's classes up to an hour, which would mean just one playlist a week. Every time anyone has any sort of feedback in Mill Creek, I make sure to mention they should take that feedback to the branch and mention that the class should be longer, too. So far, nobody has disagreed.
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