How quickly a week can go from bad to worse

Sep 12, 2009 16:09

Kale is at the emergency vet. He started crying and hiding and exhibiting issues using the litter box at 12:30 this afternoon - conveniently thirty minutes after all the normal vets close for the weekend. We got him in within two hours, but were told that he's completely blocked. They have to keep him for an unknown number of days, doing blood work, running an IV, giving him pain meds, and finally inserting a catheter. I'll call our normal vet first thing Monday and see if they can handle his long term care after the weekend and lessen our financial burden.

I'm mad as hell at my cat for his rotten timing - seriously, he couldn't have had any worse timing - but of course I'm worried sick, too.

I guess it's a good thing it poured down rain all night so that I wouldn't want to go to the craft fair today like I'd been planning on.

My poor cat is all alone in a sterile cage with only his blanket to comfort him, and Zane is going to go bananas without his brother around.


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