Change is good

Jul 05, 2008 11:29

It can be frightening, because it's unknown and uncertain, but if you make the right decisions it is usually for the better.

We have moved, and I really like our new place. While I've sort of given up on the rest of the decorations for the time being, I am very happy here.

I have two adorable, feisty, lovable, little kittens, and I adore them. Nothing cheers the heart like the antics of a kitten, even if he is misbehaving. Watching them wrestle like a couple of WWE goons is one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen.

So, on that track, I have decided that I want to give this whole Master's Thesis thing another go, but I want to start over. New topic, new area, new plan of action. I was very unhappy with the previous project, or at least my role in, and I didn't find it very interesting either. But I really want my degree. I don't like being a quitter. That doesn't make me happy.

I would like to work with web usability or accessibility for my topic area. It's an area I am familiar with, comfortable with, and am very interested in. I am going to have to convince my advisor to let me do an individual project, because he doesn't care for that anymore. That's why I chose to work on the project I did - he gave his students two choices: comparing reality-based interfaces or studying mental brain waves. The problem ended up being two-fold: it was extremely intangible, and group projects are very hard to split up into individual parts. I was supposed to get a Master's thesis out of it, celiskywalker got her Master's project out of it, and the lead on the project is using it as his PhD. dissertation.

But I think that my advisor (who I think is still in Paris for another month or so) would much rather I get my degree and graduate than fade away into the sunset like Shane.

So, from here I need to begin doing literature reviews and seeing what the current topics of web usability and accessibility are, and brainstorm a couple of ideas for a project. A typical Human Factors thesis involves running user testing on a product, or interface. That's slightly daunting, but I do believe it's within my ability. And hopefully it will be a lot less painful than the other topic, which sometimes seemed worse than oral surgery.

Oh yeah - and I have just a couple of weeks to make my decision to either register for next semester or take a LOA.

moving, thesis, kitties, school

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