Kushiel's Dart

Feb 25, 2008 09:17

Don't you just hate it when the phone wakes you up from a nice dream? At least it was Star Wars music, rather than a normal loud ringing. And then the call was to cancel and reschedule an appointment. Annoying. And then, don't you hate it even more when you're sitting on the couch after answering said phone, dozing back off and remembering said dream - and FedEx buzzes your intercom? Apparently someone wanted to make sure I was awake this morning. It worked.

So, while I'm up, I finished Kushiel's Dart last night, and wanted to discuss it and the potential for the next book in the series with those of you who have read them. Because after reading the preview for book two at the end of book one, I have no desire to go get the second one, and here's why (Caution: Spoilers Aplenty):

First of all, if the book/series hadn't been so highly recommended, I never would have read it. The concept of getting pleasure out of pain really bothers me. I'm not a big fan of violence, and hate it when people are mistreated and tortured - plus I have an unbelievably low tolerance for pain. I'm quite the wuss.

Fortunately, the rest of the story was really intriguing, and interesting, and the fact that the author never went into a whole lot of detail helped a lot. Sometimes my imagination is more creative than the book and easily fills in the blanks - in this case, I was very glad for the fade to black (well, except for the fact that it was often Phedre who faded to black...) I loved all of the mystery and guessing and intrigue, and every time they totally kicked butt. Delauny was a really cool character, and I really liked how Phedre grew and matured into a very intelligent young woman.

The reason I don't want to read the next book in the series is because Jocelin is my favorite character. My heart bled for him every time Phedre did something he didn't like. I was very pleased by the moment in the cave, when they finally bonded, although I'm trying to figure out why it took that long. And then why in the hell it took her forever to tell him she loved him. I so wanted more romance between the two of them, and the author just wouldn't give it. I found that so frustrating. I totally understood his vows, but I love character growth, and it was awesome to see him grow from a stick in the mud warrior priest into a human being.

But Phedre is a selfish, inconsiderate bitch! Blessed Elua, how I wanted to strangle her, smack her, and tell her off. (Too bad she would have enjoyed that, huh?) I can't believe what she put him through. She always knew how it would affect him, yet she did it anyway. He gave up who he had been raised to be in order to be with her. She gave herself to complete strangers, to her captors, to her best friend, to her queen and country - but never would she give herself to the man she loved. And then her final decision... She's a totally selfish bitch when it comes to love, and Jocelin's reaction made me weep. If you can tell me that she finally wises up and takes on apprentices, as Delauny did, I may reconsider, but I can't read another book full of tortured Jocelin. That would be worse than reading about a torture-loving Phedre - especially when he has to stand by and allow the woman he loves to be beaten and abused. *shudder* Have I mentioned what a bitch I think she is to ignore his feelings thus? I didn't even like her coupling with Hyacinthe, honestly. I sort of understood it, but about as well as Jocelin did. Putting off love to help a friend in need is one thing, but ignoring love to love a friend who doesn't expect that from his friend? Nuh uh. Poor Jocelin! (I'll admit though - the way she convinced the Twins of Dalriada to come to war was rather amusing... I liked the female Twin a lot. She was pretty cool.)

The book made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me bawl my eyes out. My husband walked in from shoveling snow yesterday just when Hyacinthe had made his decision to stay on the island. To say the least, he was confused and concerned, and looked rather incredulous when I sniffed out, "I'm fine. It's the book." And the massacre at Delauny's was the biggest shock ever. That totally made me weep, it was so completely unexpected and depressing.

So yeah. Poor Jocelin. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a cute blond Jedi-esque character who can totally kick butt.

So that's the gist of my reaction and thoughts. Discuss.


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