rambling thoughts.

Mar 18, 2010 22:21

Today has been a rainbow day.  I've managed to run through a full spectrum of emotions from infrared to ultraviolet.

I finished two presentations and a take home midterm this morning, and I think they all went reasonably well.  The presentations were for dance, and although I am not much of a dancer, and I don't ever want to be a teacher, I think that I, and my groups, performed and taught well, so hopefully the marks I get back will reflect that.  The midterm... I always feel like there is no excuse on a take home midterm to get anything less then 100%, but somehow that never seems to happen for me.   Don't get me wrong, I think I'll get a good mark, but I really don't feel like it was the best work I could possibly have put out.

I do that a lot.   I can't actually remember the last time I finished something and looked at it and said to myself "that's the best possible job I could have done on that!".  I think it may be a biproduct of being a chronic multi-tasker.  I am happiest if I am doing several things at once, which results in no one thing receiving my full attention, and probably the end product of sub-perfect work.  Not the end of the world, since what I manage to get done is still pretty good, but still...  I wonder what I could do if I could actually focus?

I'm working quite hard right now to impress a potential employer - he's already agreed to mentor me through my honors research, but I feel like I have yet to make the best of impressions.  It does NOT help that the first time I met him I had been violently sick the night before after eating a questionable brownie, and was still mildly out of it (and by mildly I mean that I have not in my recollection ever felt dopier).   Its a bit of a miracle that he agreed to work with me at all, really.  I need to learn when to call in sick.  But the job is one I badly want.  It could set me up to work with the creme de a creme of the biopsychology and physiology field, and that would just be... well, that would just be a dream come true.  I'm starting to get to meet people who up until now have just been names at the head of the articles i'm reading... they're my personal perceptions equivalent of movie stars.  I'm a wee bit awed by them.  Unfortunetly, due to the projects I had to finish to be marked on for today, I am not as well prepared for the lab meeting I have to attend tomorrow, and have no idea if I will make an ass of myself or not.  I would really like to knock their socks off with how smart I am, but the very simple truth is...  I'm no genius.  Especially not compared to my siblings.  Sometimes I think that i'm more afraid of the people around me realizing that I'm really just not that smart then I am of any other form of social degradation.  Sad.
Oops, now whoever reads this knows.

Meh.  I think the slightly disorganized state of my house is starting to get to me, because I haven't been seeping all that well.  Oh well, it's a little cleaner now, so maybe tonight i'll sleep for more then 5 hours.

So.... goodnight, sleep tight, hope that there are no bed-bugs to bite, because, well, really, ewwwwwwwwwww!
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