
Feb 04, 2007 21:13

Ok, so Kim and Elizabeth both tagged me. Five things you didn't know/ Five freaky things about me.

How about Five Freaky things you didn't know about me? Ok? Ok.

1) I have a tattoo. On the outside of my right ankle. It's a triskele, an Celtic symbol of the wheel of life- birth, death and rebirth
2) I had a Renaissance Wedding. Yes I did. My wedding dress was royal blue jacquard,  laced up the front of the bodice, over a cream satin skirt and undershirt. I wore a huge hoopskirt and a corset that had bones of sprung steel. 
3) I was in the Marching Band in High School. I was in the color guard. Yes, a Band Geek.
4) Even at my weight and age, I can still put my palms on the floor without bending my knees. Yes, very flexible. 
5) I like anchovies. Love 'em. On pizza, in greek salad, yum, yum, yum!
(since I'm combining two tags a bonus)
6) When I was pregnant with my son, I had three different cravings - red meat (1st trimester), tomatoes (2nd trimester) and milk (2/3 trimester). Never, ever pickles and anything.

I had another one, but it went out of my head. Some are freaky, some aren't.

I think most everyone on my Friend's list has been tagged. If you haven't... TAG!
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