Dec 10, 2006 07:46

I can't say no. I'm one of those people who, no matter what they ask me, no matter how busy I am, I can't say no. Then I wind up with so much to do that my own stuff gets pushed aside. Sigh. I don't know why I can never say no. Right now it's not too bad - I finished up the last paid work I had, until I get my next assignment, ad change week is done, and I'm just waiting on the last two chapters of RTZ from my critiquer. (Who is being a real help, BTW), and LBF is closed to new subs until after the first of the year. So things aren't as bad ad they could be. But as soon as one thing finishes, something else I said I'd do shows up in my in-box.

I'm not rushing with it. I have my own stuff for the holidays to get finished. It just never seems to end.

I AM up just over 10,000 words on the WIP, and I think it's coming into focus a little - the scene I'm writing now seems to flow rather than fight. I do manage to get a few minutes to put some more into it.

Finally I'm back to subbing; November and the beginning of Dec. were so short, school-wise, that I figured I wouldn't work much. I'll be at the same school Monday and Tues. Monday is Home Ec, for a teacher I've subbed for before (she has six classes, it'll be a long day) and Tuesday is Drama, subbing for a guy I went to High School with. It'll be fun, and Ry's excited to get back to school. A break from the running around I've been doing here. A couple of free periods to read or write.

It's kind of strange, I almost never sub on Mondays. So it'll be a race to get the marketing work done on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is Ry's MOMS club holiday party. Somewhere in there I need to get a haircut. Yep, I'm gonna treat myself to an actual haircut. Saturday I'm going with my Dad and sister to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. My dad's fiance can't go, so I get to.

And I need to finish making the Christmas presents - I have one left to make - and start wrapping. Sigh. I can see I'll be wrapping up to Christmas weekend if I keep going at this rate. At least the shopping is done. Yes, DONE. The last items shipped today. Oh, sorry, no I have to buy one more thing.

What I want for Christmas? A whole day, all to myself, to do what I want to do instead of stuff I need to do. Sigh. Maybe after New Years'

busy, holidays, writing, substitute teaching

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