Currently Reading
Talisman of ZandriaBy Christine Norris
see relatedThanksgiving was nice. Since I made my pies on Wednesday, I pretty much sat around all day on Thursday, watched the parade, and worked while I did it. Hey, it's a holiday, but that doesn't mean I have to fall behind. Especially since ad change is coming up, and my deadline for the current project is Friday of ad change week.
It's all about time management.
Anyway, had a good meal, good time with family. The weather was cruddy, but it wasn't all that bad. Thursday night, I couldn't sleep. I had the worst stomach ache - I guess something from the dinner didn't agree with me. So I was up and down all night, and felt horrid all day Friday. About 1:30 I laid down for a nap... for two and a half hours. And I was asleep. I felt better after that, but my stomach wasn't quite right yet.
Last night, we had a virtual meeting for LBF, and made a lot of headway. I think you're going to see some great changes over there, and all for the better. By the way, if you like literary magazines, buy a subscription to the
Writers Post Journal, will ya? They always have awesome covers, and good stuff in there. Look for my Book Review column coming in the March/April issue. Oh yeah, it's going to be bi-monthly now, wait for the announcement to buy a yearly subscription, you'll get a good deal. And if you have a book you want reviewed for the mag, drop me an e-mail and I'll get you set up with either myself of one of the other reviewers... that I have to ask to do it first.
If you can't afford a sub, drop by your local library and ask them to subscribe - they get a discount, I think.
Ok, enough shameless promotion. On the book front, I think I've made a pretty big decision. As soon as it's all worked out, I'll let you know.
Today... we started cleaning up and making room for the Christmas tree. The dog has now lost his crate space in the office. We used to put it in the toy room/sun room, because it looks so pretty in the windows. But my son now just has too many toys. Plus we bought him this giant train set for Christmas, and we need space to set it up under the tree. On Christmas Eve. Yeah. It's a Polar Express electric train. He'll like it. So we need the room to put the plywood under the tree to have a hard surface to put the train on. The dog will live without his crate for a month. Now I have to figure out what to put on top of the plywood so it's not ugly.
Yes, I'm one of those nuts that puts up the tree on the weekend after Thanksgiving. I have a fake, pre-lit tree. And I love it. No water, no animals eating it, no needles. I can leave it up all season, hassle-free. And it really looks nice.
Once the tree is up, tomorrow I'll probably work on the rest of the decorations. I love Christmas.
(No, I'm not reading my own book. Thank you to the person who bought the last copy or so and made my Amazon ranking drop to less than a million!)