May 17, 2005 11:24
I have two things to say to you.
1.)You are so obviously in highschool. First off, we take most of our finals in auditoriums. If you don't know what that is, just feel free to ask. So, another girl, in another 201 class (which is not intro) had a 99% and I had the highest grade in my class, not hers. And second, I got a 3.96 last semester and a 4.0 this semester, asshole. The Dean's list is by semester, not accumulative. Not only did you apparently not read the "Fall 2004" headline on the Dean's list, but you didn't catch the "I got an A-" part of my last entry. I guess that's sort of hard for a boy like you, reading and everything.
2.)If you try to contact me in any way (instant message, email, etc) ever again to tell me any more "fun facts"...I will be more than happy to call the police. If you even im me and say "Hello", I will call the police. And if you think I'm not serious, I'm completely serious. I've done my research.
You've threatened and harassed me, and others, for way too long.