Kylie's first hair cut. New pictures! Quiz about me!

Nov 21, 2003 08:41

Hey! Here’s what’s been going on with us: Wednesday I took Kylie to the health department because she needed her 3rd shot of the Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine (she will get her last at 12 months). She hates getting shots and cried so hard! I gave her baby Tylenol. Around that time Kylie had been feeding herself cheerios and then drank a bottle while sitting in her high chair. Her high chair was by the couch facing the tv… she turned her face towards me with her head lying against the side of the high chair and closed her eyes. She had fallen asleep! It was SO odd because Kylie can ONLY sleep in her crib or in her swing, and it has to be totally quiet and lights out. It amazed me so I took a picture. Jerry got home earlier from work than usual and brought Fazoli’s food for dinner. I showed him how Kylie had fallen asleep and he thought it was cute. She slept for at least 45 minutes that way!

Kylie had her first hair cut! Her hair would sometimes get in her eyes because it was long in front. Jerry *tried* to hold her head still while I clipped her bangs. She was a little squirmy so it may be a teensy bit uneven, but it looks pretty good. We took before & after pictures. We saved all the hair clippings (it wasn’t much hair taken off actually, but it made a big difference)- for her baby book. Hubby and I wrapped more Christmas gifts and watched the Bachelor finale that night. I thought the women were both equally good for him but I was hoping he would pick Kelly Jo. She was really pissed when he didn’t and then I saw how happy Estella was at the end so I was happy for them.

Yesterday was an extremely hard day for me! Not only did I have bad TOM (time of month) cramps, but Kylie was being a little monster!!! Kylie always has a nap around 11am but she just would NOT take a nap. I tried all day long to get her to nap. She was extra-fussy and gave me a headache! Finally, at 4pm she fell asleep for about an hour. (She usually sleeps 2 hours at her regular nap time). Then after she awoke she was just as fussy and cranky. Around 6:30pm she started calming down and playing which was the time Jerry arrived home from work. He played with her some so I could relax. I ate some ice cream (I hardly ever eat that stuff) for comfort. Lol.

We watched Friends and then I put Kylie in her crib for “Night-Night” at 9:30pm. I then fell asleep lying in my hubby’s lap in the living room. He carried me to bed and I fell asleep instantly. I didn’t even hear him come to bed 2 hours later. I’m such a light sleeper now but nothing woke me up till Jerry was getting ready for school this morning. I got a couple of extra hours of sleep which was great- but now I’m still sleepy at 8am. Oh well.

This evening we’re going to my friend Stephanie’s wedding reception. Her and Donnie were married last weekend in a chapel in Gatlinburg but they arranged their reception to be here in London this weekend so everyone could attend. Then tomorrow we’re taking Kylie to see Santa Clause at Kmart!!! I plan to take a picture. Hopefully we’ll get Christmas decorations up this weekend. We need some kind of hooks to hang the lights up outside on the roof/over the porch. Well, thanks for reading! Have a great weekend my readers! Below are Kylie’s pictures I promised you all. There are still several more I plan to put up in my next entry in a few days. Enjoy the pics & tell me what you think!

*Place cursor over pictures for captions!*

Update: I made a quiz about myself (from for you all to take! It may be easy for some of you and hard for others, just depends on how well you know me. It's all for fun. Go here: "How well do you know Christina?" If that doesn't work, go here. Thanks! ;)

"Blessed be childhood, which brings down something of heaven into the midst of our rough earthliness." -Henri Frederic Amiel
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