The Good Thief's 15 Minutes...and an essay on great acting

Oct 18, 2003 00:18

Not too much to report tonight. Decent day at work, with a couple of amusing moments. I was working with my 7th period class on an assignment, and I had my work showing up on all of their monitors. I made a lot of typos, and the kids loved it.

After school, we had a PTC meeting about the chili supper, and I realized that I probably came off as an alpha male a couple of times, and am pretty proud of it. We were talking about the admission price, and I thought that it should be a little higher this year. My rationale, and my exact quote was "If they'll pay $4, they'll pay $5". I view supporters of our school like marketing targets...kind of funny to me.

I watched a couple of really good films tonight. The Good Thief was an excellent film (heist movie...I fucking love heist movies), but I had to run the subtitles to understand about half of the shit that came out of Nick Nolte's mouth. But he did a good job of mumbling, and the movie held my interest.

15 Minutes is a film that I have owned for at least a year, and have finally got around to watching. Great film, powerful performances from de Niro and Burns. I love to hate Gary Oldham, and he is one of my favorite scumbags. I'm sure that he is a decent guy in real life, but you really hate his characters. He has never played a character who was even remotely likeable to me, and I think that speaks well of his brilliance as an actor.

The next film in my lineup is probably going to be The Score. With Bob de Niro and Ed Norton, you can never go wrong. I've see it before, and it is great. Edward Norton is by far one of the most gifted actors that I have ever seen, and I have never not liked one of his characters, even when he is a bad guy. He has some real charisma, in spite of playing shady characters, and I think that Norton and Oldham have a really nice parallel. If Oldham ever played a hero in a film (which I don't think has happened, or ever will), then people would not respond to him. But Norton is fun to watch no matter what character he plays.

Well, back to the movies...
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