Centre of Theology and Philosophy

Sep 19, 2007 12:01

There are a ton of resources I've been finding on the web that should be of interest to Christians. I've been a bit ambivalent about recommending them to this community in the past, as this could get kind of repetitive. But I think this is significant because for all the great Christian web sites there are out there, most seem to be more "minesterial" in nature. That is to say that most tend to focus on everyday "appplication" concerns or on fellowship between believers, and so on. But what about growing intellectually in the faith?

The Centre of Theology and Philosophy is composed of a group of Christian academics based in the UK. I've been perusing through this web site for a bit, and I'm impressed by what I see so far. So I want to encourage you to browse through these pages and take note that this is but one of many signs in recent years that Christians have made tremendous gains in academic sophistication and rigor not just in the US, but around the world.

links, theology

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