Where's My Ring?

May 21, 2007 23:33

I think I left my ring at Regina's.  I'll never see it again.  How sad.

I went to a choir rehersal tonight for the second time this year.  It wasn't too bad.  I actually knew all of the songs, which is really surprising considering the only time I practiced was in the car on the way there.  I really don't like singing in choir, but meh.  I'm playing flute on about three songs.

On Wednesday, I have a piano lesson at 3:00 and another one at 4:30.  Oh boyyyy.
I really do love piano, though.  I don't mind taking from two teachers.  Soon it'll be only one.  Then two again.  Hopefully.
After State Rally (June 2), I'll no longer be taking from Regina.  However, the two weeks following State Rally, I will be out of town (NSU Honor Band, LSU HCWC).  I guess I won't have lessons those two weeks unless I cram them into Saturdays.  I don't really want to go two weeks without a lesson.
I start with Mrs. Donna some time after State Rally - not really sure when.  I think she stops teaching for a few weeks after state, then resumes a little later.  Should work fine with my schedule until NCFC.

I suppose I won't ever have a flute teacher again.  Oh well.

Flute teacher or no flute teacher, I really need to get serious with flute if I plan on doing well at my honor bands and flute camp this summer.  I only have until next Thursday to learn and perfect my audition pieces for NSU Honor Band and LSU HCWC.  I don't know if I'll have time to practice the LSU HCWC audition music the week before because I'll be in Nachitoches, so I need to have it perfected before I leave for NSU.
I'm just using the Hindemith Sonata for my audition piece for NSU.  They say you need major and minor scales... I've been working on minor scales every time I pick up my flute (which isn't too often recently, bah) and they sound alright.  I have to play through G#, F#, and C# minor once before I get it perfect, bah.
I meant to practice flute today, but I forgot.  I practiced yesterday.

I WILL practice tomorrow.

I've decided to just mainly work on my two State Rally pieces and the stuff David's given me until State Rally's over.  Then, I'll finish up Clair de Lune, Excursions, and maybe a new Bach Invention.  I'd like to eventually read all of the 2 part Inventions.  I won't be able to do that before I start with Mrs. Donna, they take me SO LONG to learn.
I'm not sure what I'm going to play on piano next year.  I REALLY want to play "Wedding Day at Troldhaugen" by Grieg, but I don't know if Mrs. Donna would want to teach it to me.  It's a popular piece, but it's not too terribly over played.  She also mentioned a piece by a French composer she wanted me to play.  I think it was Impressionistic (just like every other French composer, I swear) and it didn't have any time signatures.  Woo!  I don't know what Sonata I'll play... maybe another Beethoven.  Maybe Mozart.

Sunday, 1300 people decided to waste their day Tiki Tubing.  One ended up walking through the woods, losing the top to her bating suit, and then appeared at the very back of our property, right where the Boy Scouts were camping.
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