Fic recommendation: The Once and Future King series

Jul 30, 2020 20:15

Hey, everyone! It's been a while. Life has been quite crazy for me the last few years, even before everything that has happened in recent days.

But, I just had to recommend a wonderful series and author in the Merlin fandom.:)

Maltheniel is writing The Once and Future King series, which is a fabulous series of AUs (some multi-chapters and some one-shots) about a world where Arthur returns to Albion far sooner than implied in the show. The author, Maltheniel, describes it as "a mostly canon-compliant fix-it for the end of Merlin."

The writing is excellent, and the stories pull you right in, as do the OCs. :D It's now totally my mental canon for how the show actually ended, lol.

You can find the full series here on Archive of Our Own.

You can also find the author and her stories here on

I highly recommend her work. :)

I hope that everyone has been well and safe!


other: fic or author rec

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