Jul 01, 2005 14:24
WEll i think i may be seriously considering miami next summer. While i will miss my home and my closest friends, i beleive you know who you are and if you are unsure than you should investigate our friendship cuz chances are we are having issues or sumthing, but i think i want to. THe last step is my dad. i already talked to my mom for 2 hours, at javas on a sunday about it and she feels if i am ready i am ready to not be at home. I think i am. I look at how i handeled a task called college for a year all by my self . honestly i ddint have help at all. i had to branch out and try new things and become who i truly think i am all on my own and i thrived. honestly thrived. i mean miami is such a great oppportunity..living with two amazing girls in a new environment on our own? god what is better? i think the only way it could be better is if i could have soem of you people with me. (annie i love you and dont worry i will never leave you for good we are girlfriends until the end so dont worry.)
nextly on my list of topics is people. yeah thats general but its it. people are funny. everyone has thier own personality, quirks and problems and yet we all have to figure out how to get along. my philosophy is fuck it. i dont swear but that is honestly it. i dont have the energy to deal with people i am having problems with or there is animosity towards or vagueness. If we are truly meant to be then we will be and honestly i think that is hapening with people i still am in contact with now taht i am home and away from school. take my freind john. he is quite possibley one of the most amazing people on the planet. i raelly beleive taht. and if you met him you would agree. he is just the most perfect example of how us human beings should live our lives,especially when we get crappy hands...and believe me he got one he didnt deserve. and i am truely blessed to have him be one of my best firends. i am so glad i met him at school...truly am. at home i just live life. thats all any of us can do or should do. to put all these silly highschool, childish emotions and actions into situtions and relationships only ruins and saddens the short time we have together over the sumer oer at school or jsut in general life. People are funny.
i guess lastly is how no matter what we proclaim we still miss those who mean most to us adn right now there are two to three people that applies to. the first is obviously my joey whom is off in traingin. there are not enough words...there jsut arent. next is lydia an hour and a half is just so far. i could go on and on but ill just stop there.
well i guess i will be off but i will juast say this, dont ruin life. jsut live it and love it so that you dont end up regretting alot. because while regret is inevitable, the amount we allow is preventable, the way it affects us is personal and the way we act and react is infectious. :)
Ps i am making a scrap book and made beth a purse and am makeing a skirt for me....christianajoi inc. has begun ;)
much love all,