The Stament Of My Emoness

Jul 21, 2005 09:07

Oh i've looked back many times on the day I talked to Sarah for the first time. The day that started so many things. A day that would forever change my life. Not just from meeting Sarah, but her connections to other people. Yes Annie, Heather, Erin, Ext. Its like this. If I hadn't met her where would I be now? Probably more evil than my brother, yes. Since I have a bit more of a temper than him.

These people so seemly insighnifant to anyone else (for obvious reasons) have probably molded me more than anyone else on Earth, besides myself.

If I had never met Sarah I would probably never have learned anything at all about women. I probably would never understand the the degree that I do, that people feel to, not just me, and on top of that I wouldn't be able to handle people (that is I would have low tolerance), and Sarah you are probably the most important person because you are the gateway to everone else upon these things. I love you so much. I hope you meet that perfect guy like I know you will.

To my Annie. Now singly you have influenced me more heavly than anyone. Ever. In my whole life. Eventhough we've never actually "met" its not really the body that matters but whats in the body, and what it has to say that is. Thats the base of everything i've learned from you. People matter. Not they're body (obviously to a degree). You showed me that there is a way to influence people rather than directly. Without you I would probably be cold and bitter. Without the loyalty you've given me I would never have trusted anyone ever ever ever ever ever agian. I would never have gotten past Sarah. I would probably have been a giant druggy. I know that I would be an acholic. I wouldn't be able to think that way that I do know. When I look at a group of girls it isn't like most guys who would just look at the hottest girl and go for her. You have made me look at a group of girls and choose the one thats shy and maybe not the prettiest, because thanks to you I know that she is probably the most percious of the whole group. I could go on and on and on and on. How would I know about how people feel without you. How people react, how to have patience when dealing with them, someone to guide me through the darkness even when I probably didn't deserve the help you offered me. Eventhough i've disappointed you many times I have to take off my hat whenever I think about everything. There are to many times to I thought I wouldn't get through if not for you. Annie really you are my angel. Everything you've ever done is meant to be important. You're meant to be the next great writer of our time. I love you so so so so sos so sos osososososososososososososososososoossoosSOOSOSOSOOODOOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSSOOSOSSOSOO much. Don't ever leave.
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