Whores expanded. Why? Why do this?

May 26, 2017 18:10

The ultra-angry 'whore post' is here. Saying it helped too.


Why do they do it?

1) Education. So many around here are not trained professionals. So they instead see kids as a way to prosperity ( Baby-factories etc ). There is no other way for them to do it at present.

The answer is mass-education, but it did not happen. So I had a decade of 'get money or suffer'; which is clearly a type of violence. They choose violence to get the money, by weaponising love.

2) Booze-hounds. Women with little cash, who want you to prop them up. If you have no cash then they sneer at you. Ultimately it's about them & their next fix.

3) Fear. A recent survey found that Anxiety shows up in poorer communities more than richer communities, and mostly in the women. I'm talking medical anxiety for the record, not 'female hysterics' and other 1950's crap. If I had bog all security I'd be scared too ( Generation Rent etc ); so is this fear turning into violence? It did in the 1980's, & the Torys rode it ( classic divide & conquer. The rise of Thatcher ).

Education is the way out of poverty, but where is it ( see point 1 )? Add to that how fear can lead to 'drowning your sorrows', and how that can lead to addiction, and we have point 2 above.

Science is finding that more & more people are buckling under the stress of Austerity Britain. And that is also leading to more & more hate crime.

Yeah, poverty. I was chatting up women with no money, and I should have been showing my razzle-dazzle to women smart enough to understand me.

I feel quite icky in saying that, as education IS the answer here; but I have to stay safe as things get worse.

Problem is the wealthier women are where you get the REALLY nasty Tory types, and women like that need throwing out a window.

At least Katie Hopkins got the axe. One down. A Priti high number of others to go.

What? Some Nazis were female. And there were collaborators all over the world.

When I had my health I wasn't opposed to kids. Then my health failed. Now I can't run around etc behind a toddler. Poor health stops play. It's a basic safety factor here. I can't stop that boiling kettle quickly enough if I have seized up.

Now factor in how this govt horsewhips me if I don't work, and how exhausting that becomes, and the last thing I need when I get home at 6pm is more fecking work ( kids are hard work at times, after all ).

The UN has condemned this country for a reason. And Europe is now condemning too. We have become this vile.

And that means, as a parent, even if you do the right thing throughout, the community will warp your kid into something evil. So it's just not safe to raise kids around here. England is gone, and it won't be back for quite some time.

It doesn't matter how you look at it, now is NOT a time to pop out nippers.

They'll only get it when they are surrounded by ruin, with only themselves to blame for it. And I need to survive that. So I am staying away from Local Social. Sod that for a game of soldiers.

i can haz hoomin rites?, bluddy wimmin, lifestyle guru, gossip, #ptsdtweet, moaning, psychological wotsits, bachelorman bachelorman does whatever a., the love life, charidy mayte, old fart putting the world to rights, counselling, mos croydon, are you a real friend?, i prefer sophisticated degenerate, what part of 'disabled' did you not get?, friends and loved ones, i do not do politiks komrade, thoughts, croydon torys, you're taking the piss right?, observations of a chav in it's habitat, nazi punks fuck off!

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