PTSD Croydon blog.

Sep 21, 2015 10:26

I don't enjoy fighting; but if you attack me I WILL defend myself.

I would hope it obvious how pricey an attack on me now is. Think before you strike...

Ok, so we have the Angels pulling out in 2007.

Apparently they made various decisions and pulled out ( to Spain, for the drugs & parties apparently ). They DID train a bunch of Croydon kids though.

My own personal Hell's Angels experience stopped a while ago. Apparently they know they were set up by Mad Tiff et al in Soton, and that I was innocent. So they've called it off ( well, did back then. That's fine by me ).

I get fair breaks from their mates now, so it's obvious that some change has happened. Cool.

I may not agree with gangs etc, but they DID move to protect The Ladies. They may have been lied to, but they DID move to protect The Ladies. As did I, obviously.

I'll probably never know the full details, but peace is good.

The kids they trained? Well, that led to Croydon Pubs and their insanity. 4 venues out of control and taking the pish. It IS just Croydon idiots on that one. Even the Hell's Angels Morris Dancers ( what's their name again? This lot) would not be so stupid as to tamper with the CCTV. But...

This lot are playing the 'Tribe' card for 2 reasons I know of:

1) So they can lock out ethnic people and be openly racist. Trying to get the Cultural Argument on their side, even though an American Motorcycle Club with links to organised crime is hardly British Heritage...

2) Making money. The usual. It does link to the dark side of the Witchfest I'm afraid ( I said you'd save half of the Witchfest. That means half has to go though ).

Yeah, I feel like this big ol' jumble of pain in my head is slowly being filed away. That's good, obviously. Sadly Croydon is so full of money-grabbing liars that it IS a tough cookie to crack. 3rd most violent in London. Whistleblowers are ALWAYS bashed.

Half the kids are innocent. But that means half the kids aren't. Spot the problem. Not 5%, more...

I still think you can save a couple of venues, the Tattoo Con, Richie, and half the Witchfest. But that is ONLY if you sack the managers that allowed this train-wreck to happen. If not the gangs will just continue to hold control. The Angels may have pulled out, but the people they trained are still here.

After this I have to clean up the lies spread into London's scene about me ( yes I am that known... ) by Croydon BNP ( for real ). Via Club Rub. Apparently I like morbidly-obese women and am a 'feeder' ( someone who likes feeding food to women as they get fatter and fatter ). As well as a racist. Those who know me at work know this can't possibly be true ( it's actually impossible ), but some dumb-ass on Cocaine who's heard a few rumours is... Easy to manipulate.

I'm a 'lingerie on the dancefloor' kinda guy in reality. And I loathe Obesity. I'm quite tame in the scheme of things really.

As I said with my Anti-christ postI'm gonna have to turn a few gals down to get my rep back in place.

It's a lot of effort to bag one Me isn't it. And yet they did it.

Why all this effort to get me? All these different bad-guys trying to destroy me? I'm an old Anti-fascist. I was at Brockwell Park. Even Ian Duncan Smith can't stop me. I know how to do it legally. If you want White London then you need people like me gone.

So they took away my 'fun', 'love', & 'sex' supply. They tried to siege me into dying. They used loneliness as a weapon against me. For nearly 15 years now. Including with-holding my Legal Rights on a Mental Health lie.

I'm still here :)

Now factor in the 'he hasn't got a job' bit and... I have 3 jobs, and am a disabled man. That's why I have been single for 15 years. Badly educated locals falling for any old crap they hear, mixed with a VERY real and determined hate campaign by the VERY LARGE local Far Right ( which does extend into the Croydon Conservatives. Croydon Heavy Metal are now protecting Andy Stranack; as, apparently, I'm a monster. Spot the coincidence ).

That's how violent White London ( the Benefits Cap, and how it mostly hits ethnic people ) is now. How far they are willing to go to take over London? Bingo.

Obviously it's a MAJOR security risk when this many White Trash can simply go on the rob in the home of UKBA.

On the rob? I have the music. And various other bits and bobs too. I'm a target for burglary aren't I. Mate Crime ( pretending to be a friend as you steal what you can ) is one way of doing it. Apparently I let them take/ have my stuff. In reality they used deception to get it, which IS a type of theft.

Deception to rob an injured man of literally EVERYTHING he has? Indeed. A touch extreme yes? Good, glad you've caught up...

Someone let the trouble take over in Croydon. And that's why Croydon City Centre is now a wreck. Esther is clearly in it up to her ears.

Schrodinger's christhegoth. Doesn't have a job, but simultaneously has 3 jobs. Indeed. Or it was about stealing my Social Housing. Work that one out for yourself ;)

It's not an easy subject. But my head does feel more rested now.

Watch this space. More truth will out with time. It always does.

drink!, counter-terrorism, treehugging hippy crap (tm), if i had a brain i'd be dangerous, moaning, psychological wotsits, the love life, typical english oppression, charidy mayte, old fart putting the world to rights, in my defence..., wurkywurky, equal rites, mos croydon, dealbreakers, qabballywabballywahh, friends and loved ones, fun!, you're taking the piss right?, mad as a box of frogs, dream girls, nazi punks fuck off!, mind body & kick-ass shoes, i can haz hoomin rites?, scary shit, bluddy wimmin, lifestyle guru, gossip, legal list, adaptation, bachelorman bachelorman does whatever a., smoke signals, moyder!, analyze!!!, the secret sex life of dried fruit, counselling, what part of 'disabled' did you not get?, are you a real friend?, dealing with death!!11two, by bizarre coincidence, i prefer sophisticated degenerate, i do not do politiks komrade, thoughts, croydon torys, important, personality trait, black man white man rip the system..., observations of a chav in it's habitat, hubris

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