ies Lies Lies. I want my legacy back.
Croydon is crawling with liars. Bluff after bluff after bluff, as the local shits attack innocent people and force them to leave. That ain't how I do things; but then, well, I have a legacy.
There's a reason why so many want me to come back ( or don't ). It's because I'm old Slimelight. That means something.
But what?
I'm gonna swat a few lies here.
Slimelight was not a gang-den. It was a united community. What made us a decent crowd was how we worked as a community ( one lass I knew taught her boyfriend to read for example ).
No mafia, no biker-gangs. We had bouncers, and our biggest fear was a fight kicking off giving the local ultra-Tory council an excuse to kick the Punks out ( this was the early 90's after all ). No punks meant no club. The gays hid in our club, and we helped them ( Section 28 etc ). We were anti-consumerists, basically. True counter-culture. Make it yourself etc etc.
Our clientel? Accountants dressing like Steve Strange right the way through to Channel 4 presenters. For real. The Chunnel had just opened, and we had 1 crowd who commuted from Southern France every week to get to the club ( for real ). It was a genuine super-club, with Military Links ( the Industrial Clubs of Germany, in the days of Checkpoint Charlie ).
Not Mafia; Military mixed with Legit, albeit secretive ( Section 28 etc ), Clubbers. You wanna pick a fight with a squaddie? That punk was so well muscled for a reason.
Believe it or not I was seen to be one of the cool kids. No idea, I was too busy dolling up and dancing; but...
It was organised sure, but that does not make a Mafia. There were drugs everywhere in the 80's after all ( yes, stuff did exist before the Millennium ).
The clincher was that said drugs were the old weak stuff, NOT this heavy duty nasty shiznit of today. The Mafia rumour is just a bunch of stupid kids not understanding the legal aspects. Slimelight was a genuine old-school super-club. True European gold dust. And it was run so well it still exists now ( 30 years on ). It was never closed down, even though the Local Council hated it.
No fights, no injuries; just clubbers dancing all night
in strange outfits... o/~ ... Black man, white man, rip the system ... o/~
o/~ ... Nazi-punks, nazi-punks, nazi-punks, FUCK OFF! ... o/~
We definitely weren't racist...
This is why I get so angry with Croydon ( now I know what they are up to ). In Croydon wifebeaters are protected, as are those who attack The Disabled ( 'but he's my mate' etc ). The Junkies have got control.
In Slimes the Channel 4 presenter was in a wheelchair; and, well, those girls wore next to nothing as it was safe to do so ( no wifebeaters allowed ).
It was the opposite of what they are doing in Croydon.
This is why I refuse to do business with Esther and her gang. They're insane, and they are wrecking the place. I actually believe they need shutting down, because of the harm they are doing to the mostly-well-run alt scene.
If I am legit enough to be NHS whilst openly talking about my past adventures ( including the drugs ) then... It's obvious that the Slimelight formula worked ( hence why she is still there 30 years on ). Small-fry.
A balance. The Police aren't fussed about minor stuff. A couple of Accountants taking speed or ecstasy and dancing all night, then going home smiling ( to bedsit land, their only home ) with no violence or injury, is small-fry. Small-fry is good. The Police don't have to worry about us then, so can go back to sleep.
Yes, fine, we were subversives. Of course we were, Thatcher was a bitch. The only people that saw that as a threat were the BNP Cops ( Rockers Against Racism were not liked by BNP Cops ).
True European Gold-dust. No racism pliz!
The Bouncers did their job properly, the managers knew they could only take the pish re:fashion, and the end result was a genuinely amazing experience.
What? A plain-clothes in some eyeliner could have walked in at any time. For real. Our excess was in our fashion; nothing more.
Dress to Impress; Dress to Excess; Mind, Body, & Kick-ass Shoes...
No I won't name names. These people have real lives, and some may still be In Ze Closet; but... It's still open and unchanged 30 years on. Why? It was legit ( enough ). Skill saw that place survive, unlike far too many biker-gang crack dens.
Bikers are always trouble. 'Big men', who usually aren't smart enough to get it right. You never let a bunch of Bikers into your venue. They always try and take over.
And there you go. I want my Legacy back. I towed the line for years like a good citizen. Drugs sure, but that was the weak stuff of old ( and medically I'm all clear there ). I was always small-fry for a reason. The fashion and music was amazing, and you could stay safe.
It was NOT, I repeat NOT, the gang-infested shithole Croydon has become under Esther et al.
See why I get so angry now? My lot actually put the effort in. Unlike the Croydon rabble ( or the Hell's Angels for that matter* ). If you want to run a club properly you have to throw the trash out. In Croydon they keep the trash.
I'm also pissy as Mother's Day is approaching. She lied to abuse me ( by deliberate neglect ) into being ultra-obedient ( giving her free stuff, even though I was unable to buy enough food for myself whilst already being injured ).
I was that poor & injured, and she still tried to force & trick freebies out of me. All of that whilst she got pissed, showed off in a sportscar, and fucked off around the world ( she spent fortunes here, but would not help me ). 80's excess, taken way too far basically. Those lies broke my legs. She knows next to nothing about the real world; she makes it up to appear important, and people fall for it.
So no, I'm not in the best of moods around Mother's Day. I wish she had died a long time ago. *
Croydon. You could happily burn a good half of it* and you'd actually improve the place.
* Usual disclaimers apply.