New meds. To reduce dehydration. I've had IBS for the past 1.5 weeks so it was needed. The Anti-depressant has helped with the pain a lot, and my legs are coming back, so really it's about steadying my head now.
Obviously I have to rest a lot but even so. Less pain is fine by me.
So now it's just my living conditions. And hopefully that won't be long now people are finally checking the facts. Next door is insisting their innocent, after all this... Indeed.
You have to pull the bad guys off of their victims. Gangsters do not confess. They're probably shitting a brick as they know how much trouble they are in.
Needless to say The Landlady is still showing the maximum prejudice and is ignoring me. And refusing to reply to emails still. It wouldn't surprise me if she is trying to make me out to be crazy and abusive to get out of her shockingly bad work.
So much of this is simply prejudice and sexism. If these women are too afraid to do the job then why don't they move on? Rather than lying and harming people? And if they need bouncers they should be asking for them, yes? There is such a thing as a conscience you know...
You'd think it would be obvious, yes? Worth raising as an issue? I guess not... *grumble*. Oh well, I have Fruitbread so life is not so bad at present *nom*.