I just updated my White Goods cover to make sure the cooker and fridge freezer are covered for repair. They're 7 years old, and I'm not gonna be rich anytime soon. Guess what?
Neighbors just went nuts. Apparently I can't win etc etc. The same neighbors that keep me so stressed I am effectively housebound where my mobility is so bad now. The one's who keep yelling that 'I won't get out'. And seem to be being protected by the local cops.
What the hell is wrong with breakdown cover for the damn cooker? And the fridge freezer and washing machine for that matter. It's the basics of food and hygiene.
Do you see why I end up so ill now? I can't play music without one of them going crazy at me. Hostile abuse daily and hourly, for the last 11 months they've lived next door, for literally no reason at all. Hence why others firing at the wrong target hurt so badly. All they had to do was shut the fuck up as well, yet that seems to be beyond them...
And apparently it's stalemate? Erm, how please? Croydon Council moved them in obviously, and I'm pretty sure Croydon Council will want me looking after my own gear out of my own money at present. And they are responsible for their actions last I heard. There is no way on this planet a new abusive neighbor can be moved in, injure someone badly, refuse to confess, and then that the local cops can safely say to longterm disabled tennants they can't do anything. Especially in Social sodding Housing of all places.
Would you confess to kicking the crap out of a disabled neighbor for 11 months in the hope of forcing them to leave? No? Hmm... I hate being stalked. Is it any wonder I get so little work done these days? It takes everything I have got to keep the basics covered as I am so injured now.
It's obvious why I am not allowed a lawyer isn't it. I might be able to defend myself then...
If this is petty jealousy over-flowing badly then it makes even less sense. How on earth can you be jealous of a man so weak he has to order most stuff in, and has next to no social life due to this? I spend most of my life alone and in pain. How on earth can you be jealous of that? It's bloody obvious why I need these breakdown covers.
I'm too injured to work. I have to think twice about nipping out for some food now. I've been kept stressed and threatened, whilst already injured, for 11 months now. Not rocket science is it?