One last rumour bust.

Apr 01, 2010 20:27

Tea does not make me angry. It is however a stimulant.

So if I do drink it when angry I do not calm down. I stay angry. Found this out at an allergy clinic years ago. Mum was nagging the hell out of me and ignoring me talking about what had happened in southampton, and had decided my allergies were still as real as when I was 7.

Exactly, just making it up and being stubborn. Not witness to anything, but still insisting she's an expert. This is why I thought she was ill.

This was bugging the hell out of me. As well as the anger of losing my home in such a savage way to a gang. And I had to cut down on my tea as I felt the anger more for about half an hour or so. Needless to say mum was right next to me, and all people in the room survived. Even had a nurse give me nearly 100 injections over the day, but even so. I think the tea rumour did the rounds, hence this post. Nagged to hell, 100 injections, still no explosion. See my point? My self-control is excellent.

I moved out not soon after this. And then my shrink ignored me for 2.5 years as well, when she was not witness to anything either! I know, amazing isn't it!

It's where tea is a stimulant, and as such amplifies emotions. If you're happy tea is cool. If you're nervous tea is bad. If you're angry tea doesn't really do anything bar... In my case make me feel the anger slightly more. As I've said, no injuries so far. And, quite frankly, 10 years in a stress position would piss you off too. A lot more than being grumpy and having a brew.

Tea does not turn me into Mr Hyde. Angeldust might ( the spiking ), but then it's supposed to really...

moyder!, i can haz hoomin rites?, bluddy wimmin, you're taking the piss right?, personality trait, psychological wotsits

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