14. galley slave number sixteen.

Jan 17, 2010 17:19

Seriously, this kitchen's like a fucking ghost town.

Who's alive out there and works in here, because I swear to fucking God, if it's me, Otto and Rube in this damn kitchen by ourselves, I'm going to kill someone by the end of the week, except THAT would be counterproductive so never-fucking-mind, you can all live.

Although if I'm stuck in that kitchen with Otto all damn day, someone's going to come out of it a moustache down.

Christ, if I wasn't such a fucking pansy for that flood, I might not be stuck here cooking for eternity.

I'd be dead, actually. Point taken.

I'm still not fucking happy. Not at the dead folk. The people killing the dead folk. Or... just the whole fucking place.

[Private to Uhura]

Look, I know you're dead or laid up or something, but could you put in a request for some cigarettes? I know I've done fuck all so far to 'earn' them, but I'm down here, cooking for everyone and having to deal with this fucking addiction again - which has a nice bloody habit of disappearing every damn flood, and then reappearing when I'm fucking back.

So, cigarettes, please.

don't get upset get angry, not a junkie, swearing about cooking

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