13. withdrawal anger is directed at YOU, inmates.

Dec 29, 2009 15:48

[Filtered to Inmates - Uhura's still reading everything]

Right. Ladies and fucking gentlemen. Get your arses in gear already. Yeah, I ain't one for gainful labour, most of the time, but it ain't fucking fair if some of you are sitting around doing nowt whilst we're cooking our arse off. And I'm sure as hell not making 100 people lunch all on my fucking own with fucking withdrawal which makes me nauseous every time I even look at food whilst you sit around and do fuck all.

So if you've got no other use already on this damn ship, get yourself down to the kitchens. Because you've got two choices, I reckon. Your warden's gonna make you, or you can volunteer your arses and make yourself look good instead of being forced.

Your fucking choice, so get to. I'm not working on my own, that's just not fucking on.

[Private to Uhura]

It's fucking cold down here. well, sometimes. Can you get me a fucking needle and something else to keep me warm?

don't get upset get angry, not a junkie, voice posts bring out the angry irish, withdrawal makes me an angry git

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