Dec 28, 2010 12:09
[Warden filter]
You know what I don't fucking get? And I hardly use this filter to rant, because if everyone can't hear it, it ain't worth saying. But this is.
Why the fuck is this place full of... well, for want of a fucking better word, crazies?
Because here's the thing. Prison and all of that shit - it actually fucking helped my kid, my Jamie. He got his arse a fucking degree, he made himself a decent fucking bloke, with a decent fucking life, and I was never gonna make our Jamie go back to the business after.
If this is about fucking redemption, why aren't we picking the fuckers who really deserve it? I mean, really fucking deserve it. The kids who got driven to do stupid shit by drugs, or their family, or a fucking bad situation? The fucking grown men who know nothing else to do but go and beat the shit out of other people because it gets them respect? The people who got fucked over by someone and took it out the wrong way, y'know. No offence to folks, but the people like me, and Parker and fuck knows who else. People like Laura, people like fucking Neil.
They might be kids, but they got screwed over by a fucking situation. They got screwed over by life and are fucking good kids under it all. They deserve a fucking chance, right?
So why don't we send all the fucking evil overlords of the universe, all the fucking supernatural creatures, all those fuckers, all these middle class, white collar fucking villains home, why can't they be the ones who fuck off and burn in hell? Why can't they?
And before someone (I'm looking at you, Jock) says 'oh, but everyone deserves redemption because God loves us all etc etc.' - some fuckers deserve it more than others. That's what I'm trying to say.
Why can't we get rid of those fuckers? They don't fucking need this. They don't fucking appreciate this. They just walk around the place, scheming and making evil-fucking-little-plots of doom. Well, I ain't interested in plots-of-doom kinda guys. I dunno about anyone else, but I'm interested in real fucking people. The sorta people I lived next door to, the sort of people I was, my kids were, the sort of people all over my fucking estate.
A working class hero's something to be. A middle class villain just makes you a twat.
[Private to Laura]
Hey there.
Did you read about, y'know, Neil?
You okay? Want to come talk, have a drink, anything?
((ooc: There's an edit in there, yep. And I'm going out for aaaaaaall of today, so hell knows why I made a post.))
monologues are an unusual thing,
grew up in a shithole,
don't need no introspection