How was yours?
G & I spent Friday morning at home doing random things (I cleaned out the larder... I had 8 tins of baked beans, we are so ready for a famine) My cousins' plane was arriving at 4:25pm, so G said we had to leave by 3:30pm at the latest. It only took us 7 minutes to get there! We'd forgotten how close it was to our place haha
The plane was a bit early & there were so many people there. I had fun watching people get beeped as they went through the metal detectors. One girl had a store's worth of jewellery on & she kept taking one piece off at a time. When they arrived, I couldn't believe how big the girls' had grown! There are 3 of them (Emma, Lucy & Holly) The last time G & I saw Holly, she was still crawling!
On Saturday, G & I went to a favourite gift shop of mine & then to Garden City. Off we went to Fremantle where we went to Bennys for lunch (garlic bread, garlic prawns & a lemon, lime & bitters.. my favourite lunch) then we went into the markets & bought lots of fruit for Easter Sunday lunch.
I tried to re-create my favourite pasta for dinner from Olio Bello (an olive place in Margaret River) but it didn't turn out exactly the same.. it was still nice, though. I watched the movie 'A Prairie Home Companion'
Went to my parents' early yesterday morning to help mum prepare lunch. We received a phone call at around 11am. I should probably explain this a little first. My dad has always been interested in family history & when I was about 12, he found that he had some second cousins' living in Perth. They were sisters (Audrey & Margaret) They ended up meeting & they have been in our lives ever since along with their husbands' (John & Ian) 2yrs ago, Margaret unfortunately developed Alzeimers & is now in a home unable to recognise anyone. John got cancer about 4yrs ago & although he had been quite ill, he remained strong & even went on a train ride across Australia last year with his wife, Audrey.
Although he had been sick for awhile, his son Simon called us yesterday morning to say that John had passed away in his sleep around 9am. It was quite a shock, but we are glad that he went in his sleep. It's as if he knew, because it was the first time his children (Simon & his twin Nanette) were in Perth at the same time for about 5yrs. So, another one of my extended family has gone. I had done my Yr 10 work experience with John at his office where I mainly filed & got coffee. I hope Audrey will be okay.
RIP John Bain.
My cousins' all came over & we had a really nice lunch. There were 15 of us & I had told mum to buy LOTS of potatoes because we are all rampant roast potato eaters but she only bought 4kg. It wasn't enough! I cooked them & they turned out really crunchy & soft in the middle - I swear it's the pans that mum has. I wish I could find some because non-stick roasting tins just don't work as well! Apart from my cousin Vo & her family, it was the first time in ages that all of my cousins' had been together. Even though we're all adults now, we still tease & cajole each other like children! I really really hope that my cousins Mary & Vo and their families will all be able to come over for the wedding. It wouldn't be the same without them.
Went to Subi this morning to have lunch at the markets & buy groceries. It was nice & quiet for a change.
Today has been spent cleaning, tidying, sorting out, throwing out & sprinkling epsom salts. Jasper is all tired out & is currently languishing inside my trunk (with the lid open) on top of the clean towels & bed sheets.
This week will be busy.
* Tuesday - work & dinner at parents'
* Wednesday - work & dinner & movie with Jac
* Thursday - movies to see 'Happily Never After' with cousins' & little cousins' THEN dinner at Sizzlers for Rachel's (little cousin) birthday
* Friday - dinner at Flying Scotsman with Marek
* Saturday - work & dinner at parents'
* Sunday - Engagement thing at Kings Park
Lately, I have been seeing an ex hanging around the FS every Friday & Saturday night. I would like to tell him to politely get the hell out of my suburb but then I'd have to talk to the jackass. I noticed he had an all over face beard the other day... he looked like Grizzly Adams haha
I finding that I am being called 'ma'am' a lot when I'm out shopping. I hate it. I know I'm turning 30, but surely I'm not descending into middle age already? I think it's better not to say anything at all.
I bought 2 huge pieces of rib-eye the other day ($8 a KG! I know, I get excited about food) so that's tonight's dinner & I'll make a vegetable & pasta soup for the week's lunches.
I love my family.