Blair & Chuck - Bleeding Love - Chapter 3 - Rated PG-13

Feb 24, 2009 19:02

Title: Bleeding Love
Pairing: Blair & Chuck
Author: chrissybug16
Rating: PG-13 (some sexual content included - i tried toning it down as much as possible)
Word Count: 1555
Chapter: 3/?

Chapter 3

He was very good at shutting people out that he knew. It was always easer for him to not feel anything for anyone but for once in his drug induced life he felt something, something horrible…..pain. This pain wasn’t ordinary by any means, it felt like someone had shoved a knife in his heart and insisted on ripping it out as slowly as possible. It was almost amusing that Bart’s words could make him feel like this. He slouched back in the booth sighing “You should see the looks I’ve been getting from people. This isn’t something I would of ever wanted anyone to find out let alone read in the damn New York Journal.”

“Who cares what they think, you’re Chuck Bass.” she tried to be stern but ended up smiling instead. He had missed that smile hell he had missed everything about Blair.

She told him she was done with them when he came over with flowers but she was fooling herself to think she could stay away from him. Even after all the crap they put each other through she still loved him - that would never stop. The bond they had was special, once in a lifetime and she didn’t want to throw that away not now, not ever.

Blair & Chuck. Chuck & Blair. Forever.

He cleared his throat “For what it’s worth...I am sorry for what I did to you.”

“I know.” she started to twist her hair around her finger nervously.

He watched her inquisitively, he didn’t know if it was the scotch or just her being there for him but he got the nerve to lean forward taking her face in his hands and kissing her. She was caught off guard by the kiss but she didn’t pull away from him she deepened the kiss.

She could feel the heat between them she moaned softly. He pulled her closer to him letting his hand slide up her back under her shirt she withdrew breathing heavily now “Not here.” he nodded even though he didn’t agree. She bit the bottom of her lip not moving.

Since he still owned Victrola and there was no one else there but them “I can lock the doors…”


He got up walking to the front doors locking them both heading back to the booth she was awaiting in. She grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him down so he was on top of her, he smirked in typical Chuck fashion, “Someone’s eager.”

Fumbling with the buttons on his shirt trying her best to unbutton them, finally she got them opening his shirt and pushing it off his shoulders. Her eyes lit up running her hands across his bare chest. Chuck bent down kissing her as passionately as he could while reaching down to pull her skirt up exposing her black lace underwear, he took them off tossing them on the ground. She giggled at the look on his face visibly annoying she was even wearing underwear to begin with.

The room started to feel like an inferno to her pausing for a moment to catch her breath before rushing to get him out of his pants. Blair opened her legs inviting him to which he accepted . She cried out in pleasure when she felt him inside of her - she dug her nails into his back as she arched her back “Oh god!” she belted out, he kept going for as long as she’d let him their moans echoing in the empty club. When they both reached their climax the moans stopped the silence was now deafening.

Chuck rolled off of her as she shut her eyes for a moment grinning in pleasure forgetting how great it always felt to have sex with him. He moved her hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear kissing her jaw gently.

Blair’s phone started to ring she groaned reaching over and pulling it out of her purse, it was Serena - she answered “Hey S.”

“Where have you been? I’ve tried calling you a million times.”

She smiled thinking to herself that their moans had drowned out the sound of her phone ringing. “Oh um….just out shopping, I didn’t hear my phone.”

“I wanted to make sure you were okay. What happened when you stayed behind to talk to Chuck?”

Trying to muffle her giggle “Yeah I’m good. We had a short chat.”

“That’s it?”

“Can I call you back? Kind of busy at the moment.”

“Yeah. Sure.”

“Bye S.” she hung up tossing her phone back into her purse and laid her head on his chest tracing her finger lazily across his stomach. “I should get going. I promised my Mom & Cyrus I’d meet them for lunch.”

Peering down at his watch “I have to get going too. Suppose to go meet with my lawyer and find out how much I can sue that dumbass journalist for.” She got off of him and putting her clothes back on and he did the same.

“I can cancel with my Mom and come with you if you want.”

Shaking his head “No, I got it covered. If they’re smart they’ll give me what I want or I’ll end up owning New York Journal before it’s all said and done.”

She smiled “Give them hell.”

“Believe me, I will.” he walked with her out locking the club behind them, she turned to him “Dinner tonight?”

“Of course.” she gave him a quick peck on the lips “I’ll text you and tell you where.” and with that she walked off.

She didn’t have time to go home and shower so she had to go straight to meet with her Mom & Cyrus at Butter. She spotted them already seated at a table, “Hey, sorry I’m late.” sitting down in the empty chair across from them.

“Blair, darling you’re a sweaty mess. Couldn’t you of bothered to take a shower?”

Running her fingers through her hair “Mother, I was out running errands and raced over here so I wouldn’t be late.”

Cyrus interrupted “There’s something different about you.”

Blair’s eyes widened feeling like she had a scarlet letter on her forehead “Different? There’s nothing different.”

“Of course there is, you look happy dear”

she let out a sigh of relief and smiled “Oh, I do?”

Eleanor sipped from her cup of coffee “I’m assuming you’ve seen today’s paper?”

“Yeah I did.”

“I wonder how Charles is doing. Something of this magnitude must be hard for him to deal with” Cyrus said in disbelief.

“Yeah, I talked to him earlier. He’s not too happy.”

“It‘s sad when something as private as a journal of someone‘s dead father is used against them. Morally unacceptable if you ask me.”

Blairs eyes saddened at the thought “Yes, it is.”

“Please tell Charles if he needs anything at all to let us know.”

“I will. Thanks Cyrus.”

That night, Chuck was at the Palace even after Bart died he couldn’t bring himself to sell the penthouse. His hands shook trying to put in the key to open the door, he cursed under his breathe before finally getting it unlocked. Everything was left the same after Bart died, nothing of his was touched. The air felt different inside he almost felt like he couldn’t breathe he immediately went over to the bar seeing a bottle of scotch he pried it open drinking from it instantly feeling a little better - that golden liquid always soothed his nerves.

He lingered in the living room for awhile examining all the picture frames as if he had never seen them before, drinking from the bottle as he did so. He found himself in Bart’s bedroom, it almost seemed like Bart was still there like he had never gone away. All of the sudden Chuck felt a burst of rage, he started yanking out drawers from the dresser throwing the contents of them onto the floor. Then he staggered into the closet ripping down all the perfectly pressed dress shirts and suits that hung. Still….he didn’t feel any better so he continued to the next room, Bart’s office. The shelves held many books to which he tossed to the floor. Now the desk he tore through the drawers dumping them as well - all he wanted was to find a picture, a piece of paper something that showed him that Bart actually did love Chuck even just a little bit. No luck, he pounded his fist on the desk. Chuck was more enraged than ever, he was a man on a mission and now all he wanted to do was destroy everything in that penthouse until he felt better and that’s what he did, he tore through every room like a hurricane hell bent on disaster.

Once he was done with his mission he chugged every last drop left in the bottle making his throat burn. Easily replacing it with another bottle from the bar and taking it with him back into Bart’s bedroom planting himself on the floor by his father’s bed.

Bart was destroying Chuck and he was letting it happen.

When you lose control
And everything you love starts to disappear
The devil takes your hand and says no fear
Have another shot, just one more beer

blair & chuck, fanfiction

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