Blairs & Chuck - Bleeding Love - Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 - Rated PG-13

Feb 21, 2009 15:39

This is my first fan fiction so I hope it's not too bad ha. I've spent awhile working on this fan fiction and have many chapters to come but for now I've included Chapter 1 & 2 so I can see how ya'll like it. Comments would be great.

Title: Bleeding Love
Pairing: Blair & Chuck
Author: chrissybug16
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1690
Chapter: 1 & 2/?

Summary: “Some of us escape the pain of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have little time for regret because we're looking forward to the future. Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past, and sometimes we bury our regret by promising to change your own ways.”

Chapter 1
Walking into his father’s office he scanned the room stopping in front of a frame that held a picture of Bart - he picked it up and stared at it tracing the outline of the picture he clinched his jaw and threw the frame as hard as he could on the floor and watched the glass shatter. He hated him when he was alive and hated him even more now that he was dead. He didn’t think he could hate him so much. He wanted to prove his father wrong show him that he was a son that he could be proud of and not shame, but he never got the chance. Why couldn’t he of fought harder to live? For God’s sake he was a Bass…death seemed to be an easy way out for Bart.

He sat down in a chair behind the desk sighing….he was 18 and finally was in control of Bass Industries with help from Lily, it was what he wanted or so he thought. Everyone was waiting for him to fail and be this big fuck up - Chuck Bass as a responsible businessman? That was laughable.

He had a lot to live up to, too much to live up to. Bart was once an unmovable force to be wreck end with, a legend in his own right. People were in awe of what Bart turned Bass Industries into, the most successful company in Manhattan. Chuck wanted to always laugh in the faces of the people who idolized Bart, those dumbasses didn‘t have a clue who Bart really was.

Chuck had been rummaging through his father’s belongings for awhile now he found a journal that belonged to his father. For weeks he left it in the vault but today he wanted to read it - read the words of his father. Nothing could of prepared him for what was written on those pages. Flipping through the journal he stopped when he saw his mothers name, Misty. He began to read "I wanted the doctors to save her and let Chuck die. I pleaded with them to save her, but they wouldn‘t listen. Every time I look at him I see her, and I hate him more for that. I‘d do anything to get her back. I‘d gladly trade him for her.” A normal father would of wanted to save his son first but Bart was far from a normal father. He wasn’t much of a father at all. The more he read the more angry he became. Bart wrote about how he made Chuck try cocaine when he was only 13 years old hoping that he would get hooked on the drug and one day soon overdose - he got his wish Chuck overdosed at age 14 but he didn’t die from it. His father went on to talk about all the pills and drugs he left around for giving Chuck easy access to them. Bart seemed almost proud that his son had become a full blown addict before he even turned 15. He wanted Chuck to suffer as much as he suffered. Mission accomplished.

He sat there for hours reading every single page in that journal. It was filled with stories of drugs, lies, sex, everything that made for a great scandal. He slammed the journal closed gritting his teeth he rose from his chair and left the office.

After Chuck walked out a reporter was allowed in his office to wait for him to return, the reporter noticed the journal on the desk and picked it up reading through it a grin formed on his face - this had to be published it was too good to pass up. He slipped the journal in his jacket and left telling Chuck’s secretary that he would come back at another time.

Something was about to happen that would rock Chuck’s very core.

A few days later a story appeared on the front page of the New York Journal and in big bold letters the headline read “The True Story of Bart Bass: In His Own Words.” intrigued Chuck continued to read. Those words sounded familiar and it hit him like a ton of bricks, this was from his father’s journal. The journal he had just read himself. What made it worse was that these exact words were taken from the pages that went into great detail about how Bart didn’t want Chuck and how he had gotten him addicted to drugs. Of all the damn pages in that damn journal this is what was chosen the pages that hurt him the most. His eyes filled with rage throwing the newspaper in the trash he snatched his coat and walked out of his office like hell on wheels. He went straight for his secretary demanding she tell him who had been in his office recently, he wanted to rip her head off when she said she had let a reporter wait in his office while he wasn’t there. Clenching his jaw he stomped off exiting the building almost taking the doors off the hinges from swinging them open so hard. He could already feel the stares of people that had already read the newspaper. Climbing into his limo he wanted to just pack up and run, get away. That was what he was best at doing, running.

Nobody ever said that life was gonna be fair
You’re never gonna get nowhere by running scared

Chapter 2

Blair was sitting in her room when Dorota barged in “Miss.Blair you must read now.” she laid the paper down on Blair’s lap she looked down reading the headline then up at Dorota “You can leave now, shoo!” when Dorota left her room she read the whole article. She immediately grabbed her cell phone dialing Serena’s number “Hey, B. What’s up?”

“Have you read the newspaper?”

“No, why?”

“Well read it now!” Blair snapped.

“Ok ok, hang on.” she reached over picking up the newspaper from the coffee table and scanned through it quickly. “Oh god poor Chuck….this is not good.” she sighed.

“Have you heard from Chuck?”

“No, My mom said he headed to work early this morning, ”

Blair threw the paper down on her bed “I wonder if he knows.” she got up off her bed “I’m going to go try and find him, you want to come with me?”

“I thought you didn’t want anything else to do with Chuck.”

“Well…I didn’t, I don’t. I don’t know - are you coming or not?”

“Of course, meet me over at my place.”

“Ok.” Blair hung up and threw on some clothes she darted past Dorota to the elevator. “You must still care for Mr.Chuck to want to find him.” Blair looked at her “Go clean something.” and left.

She arrived at the Palace seeing Serena & Lily both standing outside waiting for her. “My Mom wants to help.” Blair nodded and they all got in a limo headed for Bass Industries. When they arrived they went straight up to where Chuck’s office was. Blair noticed his secretary “Where’s Chuck?”

“I’m sorry ma‘am, you just missed him.”

“Where’d he go?”

“I can’t tell you that.” Lily stepped forward “This is of urgent importance, where is Charles?” the secretary sighed “He read the newspaper and is meeting with his lawyers. That’s all I know.”

Lily thanked her and looked at Serena & Blair “He could be anywhere.”

“We’re gonna need more help. I’ll text Gossip Girl and have something posted online - someone is bound to of seen him.”

As they walked out of the building Serena texted Gossip Girl and as soon as they got into the limo she was getting a response. “He’s at Victrola” Lily told the limo driver where to go.

Inside Victrola Chuck was sitting at a table with one of his lawyers discussing options on how to save face with this story being published. “We can sue for slander and go from there. The journalist had no right to publish the journal without your consent.”

Chuck leaned forward “I want that journalist head on a platter and I want it now.” He sipped from his glass of scotch seeing Lily, Serena & Blair walking in and over to where he was sitting. “I’ll get to work on filing legal papers” Chuck nodded and waved him off to leave.

Lily spoke first “Charles, we’ve been looking for you.”

“Well you found me. Now, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

They all sat down. “We read that article in the newspaper Chuck.” Serena responded. He nodded “Right along with all of Manhattan.”

“Charles what can I do to help?”

“There’s nothing to do Lily. The damage is already done.” he downed the rest of the scotch left in his glass. “Thanks for your concern ladies, but I’d rather be alone right now.” They looked at each other hesitating before getting up Serena asked “We’ll see you at home later, right?” he nodded.

Blair told Lily & Serena to go ahead and she would catch up, she wanted to talk to Chuck alone. She sat back down studying his face searching for something, anything. “Are you okay?”

Chuck poured himself another glass of scotch “I’m fine.” shaking her head “You can’t be fine after what was published in that article.”

“It is what it is Blair. I always knew Bart didn’t want me. The only thing that has changed is now everyone else knows it as well.” She scooted closer to where he was sitting “It has to hurt seeing it in actual writing.”

“Yeah…” he answered faintly.

She reached over resting her hand on top of his. “Blair, why are you doing this?”

“I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t waste your time. I’m fine.”

“Chuck….don’t do this.”

He looked at her “Do what?”

“Shut me out again.”

It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had, you break it
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

blair & chuck, fanfiction

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