May 24, 2012 19:57
Right now, I'm writing a "What-If" fanfic of Kowalski-what if there was no barricade? And that he made it to California and runs into Starsky and Hutch? Yeah, I know, I really shouldn't go against the canon of the Vanishing Point story. But part of me can't help it. So sue me. *shrugs* Credit goes to the authors of the characters of Starsky & Hutch and Kowalski. No copyright infringement intended; written only for fun.
Also, Hutch's childhood friend, Nancy (from Terror on the Docks) is in this story. This story takes place of when the boys are just starting out in their careers as cops (uniforms) and Nancy, during that time, is working as a waitress during college to support herself.
But right now, I'm focusing on Nancy and Kowalski.
Kowalski walked up to the counter and sat down. He watched Nancy for a little bit. She sure is pretty, he mused. Noticing him back, she smiled a little, nodded and held up a finger to let him know she sees him and she'll be right over after taking an order from another customer. He nodded back with a small smile. Then she walked over with a pad and pen.
"May I take your order?"
"Yeah, just coffee. Black."
"Anything to eat with that?"
"Nah, I'm good."
"You sure? We make some really good cheeseburgers this side of L.A."
"Yeah, I'm sure," Kowalski grinned. His chuckle sounded really nice, too. Obviously not from around here. She guessed a New England accent.
Omigod, what a smile, Nancy thought. And those eyes! Blue as a cloudless desert sky. She felt a warm giddiness inside her grow. The only other time she felt that way was when the star quarterback asked her to the prom in her high school back in Duluth, Minnesota. She noticed his steady gaze on her as she poured his coffee. It took all her mental might to keep her right hand from trembling as she poured, so as to not get the coffee all over Kowalski.
She wondered where he came from. Her guess was that he was just simply driving through town and came here for a pit stop. Actually, she noticed him out of the corner of her eye when he got out of that beautiful white sports car. From where she stood, she was able to notice the colors of the license plate, though the number was hard to make out. But definitely not California. The plate image had green silhouted mountains against a white background. Colorado, maybe? Hmm.
Upon serving him, she was able to take better note of his appearance. A little ragged-looking, like he was travelling for hours at a time, yet strikingly handsome. His white shirt was wrinkled, yet tucked into his tight blue jeans, complete with white sneakers. The white shirt was open a little at the top, showing a generous peak of chest hair. Just the right amount-not too much, not too little. Curly, longish dark hair with sideburns. Facial stubble. Did I mention the eyes? Oh, right, yes I did.
Feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated. Even if you feel the need to flame me for my going against the end of the VP story.
vanishing point