Apr 20, 2010 18:34
Let's say a girl has two friends, Friend A and Friend B. It may or may not be of import to know that while this girl is really good friends with both A and B, they are not necessarily friends with each other, having only met a handful of times.
Both Friends start out preggers. Friend A had baby back in October and sometime in November told girl to tell Friend B not to spend the money on a breast pump, that she could borrow hers when baby comes in May. As Friend B's due begins to creep closer and closer and she starts trying to get everything together and ready, she asks about the pump, so girl asks Friend A about it. Turns out Friend A has lent out the pump to a coworker and his girlfriend, both of whom are card carrying member of the "We Hate Chrissie" Club, but she will get it back before the baby comes.
Twist! That very day - last Thursday - baby decides it's time to be born, four weeks early. (Sidebar: she is the most precious and most beautiful baby in the WORLD, and pretty darn healthy and active for being four weeks early.)
Girl calls Friend A, who says she will get pump ASAP from coworker (codename: Douche Nozzle.) Friend A, who is currently in Florida and won't be back until Friday, says Douche Nozzle will have the pump ready by Monday and I can pick it up at the restaurant. I - I mean girl - gets no call pertaining to the pump yesterday, and asks Friend A about it via text message this morning.
Long story short: Douch Nozzle has no intention of giving up the pump. Friend B didn't buy one because she was under the impression one was on reserve for her and now has a baby, no pump, and no money set aside to buy one. Friend A is claiming she did nothing wrong by lending something out that was already spoken for because I said "I don't know" when asked if Friend B was still planning on using it.
Which leaves girl, aka me, stuck in the middle and totally screwed, feeling like this whole stupid thing - which should not be as important as it now is - is all my fault and I let my best friend down, while my other "best friend"...God, her problem is that she's TOO nice and she tries to do EVERYTHING for everyone and she can't take any responsiblity which, hello, is WHY SHE'S GETTING HER RESTAURANT TAKEN AWAY FROM HER. And PS, I have a pretty damn good memory, and don't like when people try to tell me what I did or didn't say. I think I know, I said it. Or in this case, didn't say it.
Whatevs. I need a nap.