Oh, how I miss the days I could sleep past 6:50AM.

Apr 13, 2010 10:16

It used to be I woke up at 8:00 on the dot - if I wasn't up from my alarm clock already - and now it seems the magic number is 6:50.  I do like to get my day started early, but on a day off this is a little ridiculous.  I've already gotten my non-work-related errands for the day finished and, as my mom informed me it is proper apartment etiquette to not vaccuum before 9:00, I waited til 9:53.  I've got about three hours before I have to meet MY new assistant at MY new restaurant - I really love saying that - to get him started on some of the things he'll be responsible for when he moves over in three weeks.  I am so excited for all of this, I'm just nervous because I'm not necessarily a "people person."  I've always been behind-the-scenes-paperwork-coming-up-with-all-the-ideas girl, and this is going to entail a bit more always up front bullshitting with the customers than I'm programmed for.  I've never been great at agreeing with someone the missing extra pickles on their Quarter Pounder is, in fact, quite the travesty.  It's not that I DON'T care, and even I make a mistake or two a day, but it really probably is statistically impossible to ser ve 2000+ orders per day and NOT goof on a few.  Overall, though, we're pretty awesome.  Offtrack.

Three hours.  Writing.  That's where I was going.  I think.  Going now.


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