Feb 05, 2008 23:17
For the first time in my life, I heard a tornado siren this evening. I wasn't really scared or anything, but Adriana and I went to the basement with the kids just to be safe. I then called a couple of friends that don't watch TV regularly and told them about it and then called Pa (Dennis Decker) to make sure I was doing everything I needed to to be safe. I'm writing now, so everything's fine.
In other news, Carmen is getting more beautiful by the day. It looks as if her brown hair is all falling out and blond is coming in in it's place. It's too early to tell if she'll be a blond just yet, but if she is, I think we'll have a beautiful blond on our hands. I intend to keep her humble and smart with a steady regimen of blond jokes and reading and arithmetic assignments.
I think this is the perfect "baby age." She sleeps through the night as well as takes pretty consistent naps during the day. She smiles at me most of the time. The only thing missing is the giggle, which I'm sure will come along any day now.
I'm removing the wall paper in the kitchen. It's not really all that hard, and not terribly messy, but boy is it time consuming. I'm finding all manner or imperfection that ugly ass wall paper hides very well. There are 2 holes in one wall that are right next to each other and are roughly the size of my fist. They were concealed with the wall paper folks. Yeah, they just taped over the holes with painters tape and papered right over them. Man, that's just lazy. It's going to take me a couple of solid days of work just to patch the walls up. We're painting the kitchen a nice green. For those that have been here, it'll be the same color as the baby's room.
There's an ad to the right of this box that promises me a pretty mexican bride. It's nice to know that the internet will be there for me if things with the wife go south. Pun intended.