Sep 16, 2007 17:23
Well, I've all but gotten the baby's room finished. The only thing left (for me to do) is paint the doors to the closet the same color as the trim. I think I'll go ahead and get oil based paint for that. It should be easy, as I can do that in the newly cleaned garage. Karen and the girls came down for a visit and she and I cleaned out the garage yesterday and then made a dump run today. It wasn't too much work between the two of us, but more than I was willing to do by myself at the time. Now I can actually get some stuff organized out there. Thanks Karen!
The only thing I have left to do in the bathroom is to finish up putting in the trim. It's not the easiest job to get looking good, but at least I can see the end. I have to rent a radial arm saw as a standard miter box is too small to cut the 5 1/4" trim. That's cool though, it'll go so much quicker that way.
Now the only thing I have to do to get all of this started is to get over the flu that I just contracted. I felt like I got hit by a train this morning and my throat felt as if it was on fire. I'm doing a little better at the moment, but I feel like I'm fading fast.