(no subject)

Aug 28, 2010 10:09

Lucy's fic journal popped up with a birthday announcement in my email today, reminding me how much I miss seeing her around here. (Sort of want to say something else, but I can't figure out what.)My nephew M is starting to coo and babble! This is a huge milestone--he's been mostly a very silent little baby, between the strain of the seizures and the drugs (and I suspect, the anticipation of the next seizure?). The chiropractor seems to be really helping, easing the strain on his little body. My sister called me and my sister/boss at work, so we could listen to him talk, and he just went on and on. :D He has a lot to say, for sure, has been saving it up for all these months. He's been seizure-free for four days now, which is also a milestone--he was on a three-day cycle for a long time.

It's my sister and BiL's fifth anniversary this week, so me and my other sister are watching M for a few hours tomorrow, so they can go out. I'm very excited.

This entry was originally posted at http://chrismm.dreamwidth.org/590906.html. You can comment in either place, no worries.
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