The Bioshock 2 Teaser

Oct 16, 2008 14:00

Two fantastic surprises to report:

1) The PS3 is good for something.

2) A teaser trailer for Bioshock 2: The Sea of Dreams is an unlockable tucked away on the version of the game recently released for the thing.

Obviously, this is the best news of the day. After watching, I would swear the air smelled a bit sweeter, the sun seemed to break through the clouds outside just a bit more, and the dulcet tones of something like birdsong wafted through the room. Here, for your all your day-improving needs, is the video:

image Click to view

First thought? It looks like they’re going for a proper sequel rather than the original idea of telling the story of how Rapture went from glittering utopia to the smashed and leaking wreck you explored in the original game. It’s a good idea - thanks to the audio diaries scattered throughout the city, we already know how things fell apart, and while a prequel game could be done well, it couldn’t possibly live up to the escalating tensions and eventual war at the bottom of the sea that exists in my head. As interesting as it would be to see what came before, I find the idea of what comes next for Rapture far more interesting, if only to see which ending to the game they continue on from. As the thing is most likely at least a year away, there’s plenty of time for speculation before the inevitable drip feed of information building towards the game’s release starts up.

Also: squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Originally published at Expertologist. You can comment here or there.


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