The Galactic Civilization 2 Diaries

Oct 08, 2008 14:51

UK-based games journalist Tom Francis is easily one of my favorite people who make their living talking up electronic entertainment simulations. His dairy of an epic playthrough of GalCiv 2 spread out over twenty days was one of the most well-written and entertaining pieces on games I read last year. A lovely balance of personal experience and easy explanation for the uninitiated, Francis’ journal managed to completely absorb, making me care far more than I thought possible about game I knew nothing about played by a person I’ve never met. It’s a technique I’d love to see ripped off by more games journalists (and one I’ve toyed with stealing on a number of occasions), particularly when applied to long-form turn-based games that I love in theory but rarely have the patience to play myself.

Happily, Rock Paper Shotgun informs us today that he’s just wrapped up a second such diary of the game, only this time playing with the intent to conquer a massive, sprawling galaxy through peace, hugs, and conquering other races by winning them over with his superior culture. It all starts off well enough, with peaceful trading relations between different species and planets named after warm feelings, but sooner or later, push and shove meet, only to discover they don’t quite get along:

Rationally, his offer was not unattractive. The world he was asking for, Solidarity, was actually costing me money to run, and I badly needed to postpone a war. However vicious the race, they won’t declare war just after you give in to their extortion: it would ruin their credibility when bullying other races in the future. And I could always take Solidarity back - it was deep in my territory, easy to culture-hug.

On the other hand, fuck you in your stupid beardy face you crinkle-browed alien twat.

While this new piece is somehow, some way better than the first, both are well worth reading, if only to make sure you get all the jokes. Check it out if you have the slightest interest in strategy games, adventures in space, or smart, witty writing. Hell, even if you don’t care about any of that and bungled in here looking for this poor guy, take some time to read through.

Originally published at Expertologist. You can comment here or there.

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