Feb 05, 2006 23:56
superbowl party was fun at Switch.
Jan 15, 2006 00:45
ah i had work today at 8 this morning.. so i had to get up at 7 and get there.. that sucks when you went to bed at 2:30 the night before. went to oak mountain and they closed an hour after we got there. that suckssssssss. waste of money, but o well. ok well later guys.
Jan 08, 2006 01:34
hurray for good lookin girls!
Jan 03, 2006 22:01
ok so alot has happened overpast week or so. i got a job at riviera! so if you wanna come workout with me tell me or call me! im excited today i trained 3 people and it was funnnnn. my boss has major mood swings but whatever. i think ill just not talk to him unless he initiates the conversation. ok im off.
Dec 22, 2005 23:45
im getting a job at the gym! woot i start at the beginning of next month! o im at my dads for the next week or two so anyone wanna chill here just gimme a call. 305 1000.
Dec 19, 2005 11:36
wel i checked out again. the physics exam was hell. gah it sucked. and i sucked at it. well i gotta getr some presents for my dand and stepmom because tonight we are having christmas there. there is this huge box for me and im curious to what it is because i ddint ask for anything. gotta get to work to before i head to their house. later
Dec 17, 2005 15:58
ok so ive been cleaning all day because my mom is having a party tonight. last night was fun. she came and picked me up because i would probably get lost driving there. so she lives like an hour away which sucks. but we got there and she cooked some speghetti while we watched napolean dynomite. i hadnt ever seen it. it was soo funny.
Dec 16, 2005 23:35
had my date tonight. it went goood. time to sleep.
Dec 15, 2005 21:03
well i made an 80 on my economics exam.. i think i did ok on the english one too but we will see. i woke up at 5 this morning but i fell back to sleep til 735. checked out of school even tho i ddint turn in a form... haha im a rebel. mrs grey.. dont read this please.