Vacations Booked

Mar 19, 2018 09:42

Yesterday, I made plans for my vacations for the rest of the year. On the week before Memorial Day, I will be visiting (I'm told) lovely Door County, Wisconsin. That's one week before their official start of the tourist season, so hopefully the crowds will be a little lighter while everything that will open has opened.

In September, I will be attending the Writing Excuses Retreat and Cruise. I'm not particularly a fan of cruising in the Caribbean in late September AKA "hot" and "hurricane season" but I am fond of the retreat. Also, I get an alumni discount and time to write.

Both vacations should be relatively inexpensive. Southwest has cheap flights to Houston and I'm driving to Door County. In Door County, I'm staying in a condo so I'll bring up some groceries and eat in at least for breakfast. Next year is the expensive trip - Dublin Worldcon, for which I just bought the attending membership.

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