Are these the Wonders of my World?

Sep 01, 2009 11:32

[music: 'Hometown Glory' Adele]

Well my french class went well, speaking mostly only in french during the class which was of course to be expected. But guess I still need to get into the swing of things yesterday I was so tired I went to bed at nine! Forgot how tiring it is to drive half an hour and back to school, not just physically but also mentally. Today I had Ballet, Political Science, British Literature and Astronomy. Ballet was so strange I felt completely out of place yet totally at ease, idk hopefully I can pick up a couple of things. I've still got to go buy my ballet shoes, think I'm gonna do that tomorrow. My professor for my politically science class is hilarious and a real class act, very entertaining and informative. And my Brit Lit class was canceled so I've decided to burn sometime in the library before having lunch with my friend.

Ugh, I'm trying to keep my energy up because I'm going to have a long day today. Woke up at 6 drove to school, have classes until 2:25 then I work from 3 to 8 but have a meeting at work from 815 till approximately 930. My only sole consolation is that yesterday I managed to finish downloading Sunday's True Blood episode, yay! Think I can spare an hour for that. lol

Also must remember to buy myself a planer, to be more organized and I think I'm going to go back to working out regularly at the gym. I just want to be in a better shape since I'm taking this ballet class. Almost forgot to mention I wanted Inglourious Basterds on Saturday and I absolutely loved it! I think Melanie Laurent and Christoph Waltz are my two new loves!

ballet, tb, uni, true blood, school

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