Lazy Sunday

Aug 30, 2009 13:07

[music: 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' the Bealtes]

Possibly last free Sunday before school starts! First day of classes is tomorrow and my first class is french class. Kinda nervous because I think the teacher will ask us how our summer was and since it's the second level of beginner's french more than likely we'll only converse in french. Guess I'm just intimidated due to lack of practice this summer.

Also True Blood tonight, yay! So excited!! Can't hardly wait for tonight, but meanwhile to keep myself occupied yesterday I bought Season 1 of Supernatural, I'm so friggin' excited to start watching since A) I already love Jensen B) I love fiction and the supernatural and C) This video. Heheheh, srsly <3 that man!

OMG yesterday I was so glad my iPod was fully charged because I forgot my house keys and ended up waiting 3 hours in my car for my parent's to get home! Since I didn't want to waste gas by having the car on with the radio/AC I just settled for listening to my iPod. I was so happy that I had all the Beatles' albums and also Bob Dylan too, well not all Bob Dylan but "Best of" at least. Really kept me occupied, think my new favorite song of the moment is "Blackbird". Which is sung by Evan Rachael Wood in Across the Universe, who also happens to appear as the Queen tonight on True Blood! See everything is relatable to True Blood! Tehehehe.

Ooh, also managed to watch Generation Kill. Which btw is totally AWESOME! I got to admit the first episode didn't really grab me, but I kept watching nonetheless and because really involved in it. Now I kinda wish it was longer. But if anybody is thinking of watching it, I highly recommend it!

Also quick question does anybody know when the new Doctor Who episode will air?

bob dylan, tb, true blood, doctor who, generation kill, dr. who, hbo, the beatles

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