Does it count as studying for French when I'm obsessing over a certain French Canadian and the Canadian show he's invovled with?
Damn, I didn't think so...
GAH - Christopher Heyerdahl, and to a lesser extent, Robert Carlyle, are taking over my life. I blame Chris' voice. The man's voice is pure sex, and the number of voices and accents he can pull off without batting an eyelash is just astounding. Plus, he can act the shit out of anything is he given.
I am just thoroughly in love with him.
And it so doesn't help that he seems like such a sweet guy in real life. I love watching him at conventions or reading transcipts... He's just so lovely and funny. He really doesn't care about making fun of himself and seems to really enjoy being there and working with the cast.
Click to view
*snort* Can't get enough of him.
I really hate that Chris had to spoil me for the Helen/John relationship. I just don't think I can wait for them to get back together! I want it now.
And I can't wait for the fallout - it will be epic.
And the pictures that started it all:
He is just adorable. And you see how small the chick is next to him and the jacket she's wearing...
Yeah, he's now wearing it... And it is possibly the sexiest thing I have seen in awhile. Look at the man's torso! *drools*
Oh and I noticed that when his shirt is tucked in on Sanctuary, he's John, and when it's untucked, he's Jack.
I will shut up now.