And now for the final part of the commentary - if you made it this far, I commend you!
Caps are courtesy of
krissiecaps ![](
So no DHD… Does this mean the Ancients didn’t want this galaxy to be able to use the Stargate? Did the Ancients actually build the DHD’s themselves once they started to explore the already built gates? Or do all planets have a DHD portable panel?
Not sure why, but I find very attractive in this uniform with his hair all mussed.
“It’ll turn clear.”
“It’s not.”
First of all, do they need to use as much water as they are?! How many canteens are they using? This isn’t Hogwarts, you can’t make a canteen hold more water than it’s s’pos to; seriously, the usage of the water really bugs me in this episode.
Sorry, the little things really bug me sometimes… Like Young’s bandage on the back of his head suddenly disappearing within a 24 hour period. *shakes head*
That’s a lot of desert… And apparently does have life forms because look all those tracks…
Good job who ever “set dressed” the sand.
And WTF are there no credits? *glares at Brad Wright* We better get some next season, I happen to like seeing a 30 sec clip of spoilery things for the season.
“Look Colonel, I have edited enough of my father’s speeches to know what you’re gonna say - ”
“No, you don’t have clue of what I was going to say because I don't.”
*snort* This scene filled me with so much love for Young. Plus, I think it’s starting to show how much of a badass Young can be; he’s obviously in pain and doesn’t know Chloe very well but he’s still going to check in on her and make sure she’s at least managing. Plus, he’s giving her a chance to tell her family about her father’s death.
He’s turning out to be a great character for me and I’m loving it.
*snort* This episode is not helping my lack of love for Telford… He just pisses me off and I’m glad he’s a pussy when dealing with Young’s pain. Young gets along pretty damn fine throughout this episode and the last without too much trouble and yet, a couple of hours in his body and Telford is begging for pain meds while still pushing Young’s body to the breaking point. WHAT A FUCKING STUPID ASS MAN!
And I am highly attracted to Young’s high pain tolerance… I need to stop finding weird stuff to be attracted to.
Is anyone else amused that Jack is playing chess on his laptop? And obviously not doing anything else since his wallpaper is visible… *snort* The man makes me way to happy.
Oh and my roommate,
evrymemry, thought it would be cute if he were playing chess with either Teal’c, Cassie, or Sam. I WANT FIC!
Kudoos to Justin Louis and RDA, they played the shit out of this scene. Jack’s line about how no one who steps through the gate is ever really ready to face what’s on the other side really got to me. Just so beautiful.
This show is beautiful.
I can’t get over how stupid it was to split up the group but I know that there wouldn’t be a show if they hadn’t. Regardless I hate how much of a dick this made Scott look to me. Oh well, it gave my Eli a boost of self-esteem.
And really? He put Eli in charge; on his first mission out EVER!
I feel like this scene has a deleted part or something… Actually all of the scenes with the mother are off-putting, and I really can’t place why. Her attitude towards Chloe is constantly changing.
And I have to say when you start yelling at the TV “just let her drink” and commend how great the casting was based on the fact that they do look like mother/daughter, you’ve lost your audience.
Telford is an ass-hat here. It bugs me that he is completely careless to the fact that keeping in contact with the away-team is sucking power that they DON’T have and then he acts as though Col. Young’s orders are complete crap. Well, fuck him, he’s back home and doesn’t have to deal with the fact that if they lose power, they’re all dead.
Plus, he’s completely ignorant to the fact that the body he’s in is not his own…
I laughed my ass off when Greer kicked Rush, it was just how Robert Carlyle hit the sand and immediately flipped himself over and up. Just hilarious looking!
And again, does he really need to use that much water to test?
*SNORT* The sound he makes when he falls back onto the bed is fucking hilarious. Ha, serves him right getting his ass drugged. Poor Young’s body.
I seriously wanted T.J. to bitch slap the woman when she said it was outside of her purview to drug Telford. Though really, I guess that is what she did when she locked the chick in the room. Laughed so hard.
I love that T.J. is very protective over her Colonelpatients.
Poor Eli, his first watch and a mutiny occurs.
Le sigh, I really like this scene. I like that Rush is just sitting there and lets them figure out what they gonna do. I like that Greer doesn’t want to leave Scott but Scott tells him to get Rush back to the gate to stop the others from leaving. It’s just a scene about the performances for me.
“If anything happens to her, I will go public with what I know.”
Aaah no, you won’t. Jack would maroon your ass on some planet before you ever got the chance.
Laughed my ass off the first time I saw this; still makes me giggle a bit. They are such boys here!
This scene is such a lovely scene. We learn so much about them and it’s kinda heartbreaking how alike they really are. I sort of hope for more angry, cathartic fighting from them in the future.
Oh and I honestly think the Glasglow bit is based off of Carlyle's background - I know some thought that this was a bit too stereotypical.
Did they even send a kino?! Have they not learned from other experiences not to step through without surveillance? STUPID!
I can’t believe Greer followed Rush’s order to shoot the guy. It made me lol, especially Eli’s reaction.
I honestly still can’t tell if it was a hallucination or a way for the “alien presence” that was the sand talking to him. And I like the fact that I don’t know.
Lol, Eli is adorably clueless. I just love that even though Greer is a bit put out, he doesn’t yell at Eli just cocks the gun and gives it back. It’s just sooo cute.
And Rush’s face as Eli says “I’ve got a gun” was hilarious!
“What did Telford do?”
Me: “Your girl in your body.”
evrymemry: “Oh my, that is kinky!”
Yeah, I’m going to hell, but really, look at her face when she hears his voice. There is something there.
Sorry, they make me happy for some reason.
This scene made me like Scott. I’m not a fan but a lot of his character makes sense now; he's lost his faith.
And it also reminded me of a classic scene in Babylon 5.
And here starts some of the most amazing editing, acting, and music ever to be showcased in Stargate. The rest of the episode is just phenomenal.
No one can ever tell me that the sand was not an entity. If crystals/energy can be an entity, sand can be one as well.
I LOVE THIS SCENE! I love how forceful Greer is in getting Scott on his feet. It’s just beautiful; made me a Greer fan.
My slash OT3 is at it again. I love how you can hear the hesitation in Rush’s voice when he tells Eli to stick his hand in the event horizon; he’s well aware, just like Young, at how dangerous this stunt is to Eli.
And Rush is immediately with Eli once Eli is through, which always makes me laugh because Eli is patting his arm down and reminds me vaguely of a turtle on it’s back.
And the song starts… ‘Breathe’ by Alexi Murdoch if anyone is interested.
Wasn’t sure about this when I first heard it but I love how the song fits and it doesn’t distract me. I’m not use to contemporary music on Stargate but if they continue to use it in this manner, I will love it.
… Sorry… Got distracted…
This scene is really beautiful and shows the potential for this relationship. I’m glad that there was reason to believe they would kiss but that it didn’t happen. I’m glad that, for right now, they’re just friends who are helping each other through a difficult time.
Though honestly, he is sunburned that badly on his hands and she still reached for them. OUCH!
So, it doesn’t appear to have broken off because it is firing its engines, so who’s flying? Or is it merely breaking off to retrieve those lost on that one planet?
I love SGU so far. It’s intriguing and I’m already there with the characters a 100% (except for Ming-Na’s but that will probably change) even if I don't like them much. I like that I’m already multi-shipping the hell out of the characters and having a ball at it.
I just really like the show and can’t wait to see more. And if the interview I saw is any kind of preview for what’s to come (and those awesome previews), it will be an amazing ride.