FIC: Choices (Power Rangers SPD)

Jul 14, 2006 13:13

Title: Choices
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Character: Jack Landors
Rating: G
Word Count: 580
Disclaimer: Power Rangers SPD belongs to Disney. I only own the plot.
Notes: Part of an incomplete series called Diaries Of An Ending. Set at the beginning of Endings, pt 2.
Warning(s): Spoilers for Endings, pt 2.
Summary: Maybe I complained at the beginning. Maybe I didn't like it. Maybe I was a jerk to my teammates. But Z was right; it's good to be part of something bigger.

( Well, DC, you heard wrong. )

Next up: Bridge. And I think I'm going to rewrite Sky and Syd's.

fic: power rangers, !public post

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