She's writing!

May 07, 2007 23:52

So after a comment from wild_force71, who pointed out I haven't written/posted anything in a while (except an essay a couple weeks ago), I went through my stories folder in search of things I hadn't posted, or incomplete works that I didn't I would finish but thought could stand alone as they were.

So, I just posted two new stories to chounettesfic. One is a Power Rangers SPD fic, the other is a story I wrote (in French) with a friend last year for a school assignment. I came across a few short plays (in French) that I might post as well, and I found a few stories I might be able to finish, so we'll see.

Enjoy! :)

Title: Moving On
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Characters: Jack Landors
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,099
Disclaimer: Power Rangers SPD belongs to Disney. I only own the plot.
Notes: Yet another Endings-centered fic. Whatever, I like using the season finale as a starting point for fic. Deal with it.
Warning: Implied one-sided slash.
Prompt: "He wondered if any of his teammates were listening to him anymore. He was even beginning to wonder if any of them had ever cared.", given to me by kikos_ai.
Summary: He liked these guys. It really was the situation, not the people, that was making him leave.

( It has come to my attention that you'll be leaving SPD. )

Title: Étrange...
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,122
Disclaimer: We own everything.
Notes: Written with a friend for a school assignment. He wrote the parts taking place in the past, I wrote those taking place in the future. We wrote the very last part together. Written in French.
Warning: None.
Summary: Deux histoires si différentes et pourtant… si semblables. Peut-être était-ce le sommeil encore présent, pourtant, elle croyait fermement que son rêve signifiait quelque chose.

( Auguste se retourna face à la mer. Il vit les bateaux amarrés au quai, prêts à partir. )

fic: slash, writing: original fiction, fic: power rangers, !public post

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