Yuuuup, I'm in my university residence now. Someone's in the showers, so I'm waiting for him/her to be done before going (I prefer to go alone... just to be on the safe side, y'know ^^;) It's weird, living with so many strangers after being with my family for so many years. There're people around who have habits very different from mine (i.e. loud
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to the tune of O My Darlin' Clementine
"I'm an artsy, I'm an artsy, I'm an artsy drinking beer
But I'd rather be an artsy than a ****ing engineer"
dang, why do we all hate engineers so much =P
Anyways, yup, agreed, Frosh week is a bit too..*much*... for me. Some of the stuff is pretty cool. We went to our Pub and they played loud and terrible music, but there was a "quiet" room with a grand piano, so that was cool =)
I'll catch you around~
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Speaking of which, I GOT MY STEINWAY CARD!!! Or, well, I was told that I could get it if I showed them my certificate. Yaaayyyyy~ I'm so excited! *insert hysteria* XD
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