Sep 13, 2011 09:14
[The transmission is intermittent at best. What's most visible are the masts of the ship, and behind them, the rumble and grumble of thunderstorms. There's a light rain coating the camera. Combined with Luke's amateur filmography, he's blurry for a minute before he settles down.]
Hey, ιt's been a little over a wεεk since we lεft, so I thought I'd givε people an uπdate. We made it [static] the barriεr just fine. We haven't seen any φσοηΕ λut τhere's been some scary stuff around, like μθυδing ρocks. Some people even saw a Ξraνon!
ςo far, we haven't found any big islands like the one the City is ον, ορly little rocky places in [static] of the δceaη. There's all kinds of animals and [static] out here. It's really - The weather could stand to be a little χΣζβer though.
How's everyone -olding up in the City?
... If this τηΚπ σoλ- even works.
[ooc: Hooray for bad reception.]
what could it meaaaan?,
questions questions questions,
how do i fontech,
omg look at that it's so cool,
lonely replica is lonely,
&plot: expedition,
who made the dreck a superhero?,
doing that hero thing,