Aug 01, 2006 03:38
Okay. So here it is.
Ladies, have you ever noticed that there is no happy ground in boyland? There is always either one extreme or the other. And I am fucking sick of it.
Okay, on the left hand side we have the "evil" ones. The ones that tell you that you are sooo cool and the ones that tell you you're the raddist chick ever when really, they tell you this to get into your pants. Those ones hurt the worst. They get you hooked in. Why? Because every fucking girl loves the chase. They set out the bait, and we take it. We don't like the fact that they just want sex with no strings attatched, but we give it to them anyways because we, unlike them, actually give a fuck about them and want to make them happy, not to mention the fact that these types of boys turn us on the most... it's the chase, I'm tellin ya. But, we always give in. Then, after the sex is all said and done, they just wanna remain friends like nothing ever happened.. and we, well, we will do almost anything just to make them smile with hopes of catching a sparkle in their eyes. We give into their every desire and actually make an effort to prove ourselves to them.. We usually wanna be more than just friends with these ones, and it hurts that they don't give a shit about us. Especially when they proceed to tell you about all the other girls that they treat the same way as you. My theory says that they are looking for a reaction. A reaction that we always give them. I also believe that these ones know they are hurting us... they just have that "I Just Don't Give A Fuck" bullshit attitude. These ones... are rough. But oh so appealing. These ones make you cry for hours on end. These ones make you feel worthless. And like a slut just for giving into them... but you always WANT to give into them when it comes down to it... but the after effects of a night with these boys always end in tears. And if not tears, then certainly a heart to heart with your best female friends. These ones hurt you in ways that nobody else can. Why? Because we are attracted to their attitudes on life. We are attracted to the fact that they cannot be tamed. We ADORE these ones.. and we hope that these ones will eventually adore us back... but they never do. These ones make you question things that you wouldn't normally question. For instance,"Is there something EXTREMELY wrong with me to make me not appealing to this guy? Am I like... disgustingly hideous? What is so wrong with me that this man doesn't want to be with me for?" These ones are our average heart breaking home boys... yet as much as we hate them, they still are on our minds quite more than any one else.
On the right hand side we have the "good ones" the ones that would do anything for you. These ones lure us in with their "Prince Charming" appeal. But that shine quickly wears off. The fun is gone when you get everything you want. When they love your every flaw and you are perfect in their eyes. There is never a reason to argue... and when you try they just get sad that you are mad at them and don't fight back. They make things uninteresting and boring. They buy you things, cigs (if you smoke), pop, tea, whatev. Tehy are the ones that fill up your gas tank for you. The ones that ALWAYS pay. They are the ones that take you out on dates ALL the time. They ALWAYS need to be near you. They fall in love wayyy too quickly and they get flat out obsessed over you. They HATE the fact that every now and then you need a few days off. They don't give you chances to kick it with your friends...They are the ones ALWAYS full of advice. They need to always help your every situation. They SMOTHER you with their kindness to the point that you can't take it. You just WANT to yell and fight with them just to show them that you are not perfect. To make things interesting. They are the kinds that take the fun out of relationships. They are the kind that drive you absolutely fucking nuts. They ALWAYS have to be touching you. And kissing you. And holding you. And spending money on you. They don't make you scrape up pop cans just for enough gas money to hang out. They ALWAYS have it covered and EVERYTHING you want is yours. It's fucking annoying. And no fun. They propose to you extremely early. They talk about moving in together within a matter of weeks... they make lifelong plans for you two and they get all insane with their emotions.These ones are usually pretty easy to get out of our minds, although from time to time we want them to come treat us like fucking human beings again. From time to time we miss what it feels like to be cared about from someone other than our families.
I am sick of both of these men.
I am sick of being treated like I'm useless. I am sick of feeling so down. I am sick of the tears. I am sick of the questions. I am sick of the planning and the wedding talk. I am sick of feeling second rate all the time. I am sick of being put on a pedistil. I am sick of feeling like there is something wrong with me to make boys not like me. And I am sick of hearing the "L" word from the obsessive type. I am sick mostly though... of feeling like it is bad to be me.
I hate that feeling.
I want an imbetween guy.
No no no... I know EXACTLY what and who I want.
But I would never be good enough for that.
And he shows me this often, to say the least.
I hope I gave you a clear description of the two evils. And if you happen to have an imbetween man, take my advice, keep him.